Barbarians, wheee!

However, there doesn't seem anything wrong if the Barbarians in a particular chapter are less disliking of celestial magic.

I mean I would agree with you if an entire chapters barbarians were chummy chummy with celestial. But if they just didn't use it, but didn't care about it so much that would seem to be within the spirit of the rules... Shades of grey right? IMO

Bottom line, yea they should certainly not be open and embracing about it I'd agree.
Dreamingfurther said:
However, there doesn't seem anything wrong if the Barbarians in a particular chapter are less disliking of celestial magic.

Depends on how much "less" you are talking about. Are they sleeping in Wards? Using Celestial protectives? If so, how are they earning their racial Resists?

I am certainly not saying that every barbarian PC should glower at anyone with a celestial spell in their pyramid with hate in their eyes, plotting just how they are going to kill that person.

Tolerating a celestial scholar's presence or even recognizing that they can be a useful tool is one thing, and carrying around a magic sword with Prison spellstrikes is another.
Tell me about it :)
I might sound slightly newbish, but the earth magic equivalent to a Ward or Wizardlock is a circle right?... I play a human fighter with no interest in magic either way except for those wonderful healers I mean
There is no earth magic equivalent to Ward or Wizard Lock.

Both Earth and Celestial have Circles of Power which will only last an hour, unless extended via rituals.

The 5 day "set it and forget it" cabin protector is celestial only.
Thanks Pantzike. I appreciate the answer. I don't know much about either of them. So it's a good thing I have some celestial friends lol
Shane said:
Dreamingfurther said:
However, there doesn't seem anything wrong if the Barbarians in a particular chapter are less disliking of celestial magic.

Depends on how much "less" you are talking about. Are they sleeping in Wards? Using Celestial protectives? If so, how are they earning their racial Resists?

I am certainly not saying that every barbarian PC should glower at anyone with a celestial spell in their pyramid with hate in their eyes, plotting just how they are going to kill that person.

Tolerating a celestial scholar's presence or even recognizing that they can be a useful tool is one thing, and carrying around a magic sword with Prison spellstrikes is another.

I would say I generally agree with you here Shane. And the Celestial scholars can sometimes even recognize the usefulness of having those barbarian sword swingers up front! ;)
I like the whole "barbarians distrust sky magic" thing, because it's given me some awesome RP. And my PC is a celestial scholar.

Usually the conversation goes like this:

Bar-bar: "You cast sky magic. Sky magic bad for reason X, Y, Z."
Me: "You kill stuff with that thing. *point to weapon* That's bad for reason A, B, C."
Bar-bar: "I don't want your sky magic on me or my cabin."
Me: "Ok, I won't cast sky magic on you, and you don't hit me with anything, and we're fine, right?"
Ithica said:
Wait!, u mean Vansir is an actual "class" i could of played... and would of gotten "bonus's" for playing.... Son of a...

Fighter is your "class," you noob! Barbarian is what we call a "race." Geez, some people!