Baronial call to gather once again in Geistbadden this coming month!


Gettysburg Staff
Dear Adventurer's:

Geistbadden has seen Fire and Destruction, vermin running rampant, undead monstrosities, slavers and profiteers. The city and its people have watched over 90% of their friends and family succumb to this death and destruction.

The city has also seen the generosity of the adventuring community and those that would have Geistbadden return to its past glory. Refugees from the Overlands have moved into the warrens, helping the population recover. New forests and fields bursting with crops have been reaped in vast amounts. The Brotherhood of Scales have been sent packing as well as the vile Alchemist/Necromancer Tycho. a great opportunity for investment in Geistbadden's future is in the offering as well! Things appear to be on the mend...

I am calling the Adventurer's, hopefully one last time, to deal with the mystery of the gates and to drive the last of the Brotherhood and Beastmen away from Geistbadden for good.

I putting forth my best intent by calling for a celebratory dinner this gather, to celebrate Fall arriving and the campaign to rid the evils of Geistbadden to a successful close. All are welcome! Music, food and a celebratory nature will be in much needed supply. We should take the time to enjoy each others company and enjoy a hard won victory. Some could say the fight is not over, and they are correct. We must still remain vigilant and be ready to press any advantage we can have into the heart of the enemy.

Until we see each other, be safe and be vigilant!
- Baron Evan Tytos Lyscene