Batman Vs. Superman

Superman or Batman: Who is superior?

  • Batman

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • Superman

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Neither

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


This prompted me to finally ask the question; in a fight, no holds barred, everything usable, who do you think is the superior hero?

*watches the chaos commence*
Batman obviously, Superman is incorruptable, and thus can't and WON'T kill another hero, batman has more wiggle room (greater good and all that)
Batman won't willingly kill either, he just lets people think he will. But assuming they would be willing to kill...

It depends on how the fight starts, if Superman just walked up and Bitchslapped Batman, Batman ends with a broken neck. (We'll leave heat vision lobotomies out of the equation for the purposes of this)

Given 24 hours to plan, Batman would tear Superman a new one.

My favorite "who would win?" discussion for comic books has always been Dr. Doom vs Green Lantern. I can argue both sides for hours.
i forgot what ftw means.....

okay so...dr. doom vs. green lantern

also good for discussion..superman vs. wolverine...adamantium vs. steel ...i think we all know who would win

but i stick by my ability to pick the winner of almost every superbowl for the last 15 years..i have an uncanny way of choosy my winners and batman would win against superman for the very same reason the ravens won the only year they ever made is just the best costume/uniform..........
Superman obviously. All you guys who are picking Batman keep putting disclaimers on it ("If Batman had time to plan, and could get some kryptonite, and had Magneto helping him...")


(Now, who is the cooler character for fiction? Batman, obviously! Lots of gray areas and vulnerabilities is better than God-like super powers and one dimensional ideals... but who would win a battle? You all know it's Superman; don't kid yourself. Batman is just a rich guy with toys -- Superman is a invulnerable freaking alien from another planet)
isn't it weird i never think of superman as an alien...i can honestly that word has never come to mind when thinking ofh im...i know that he is one...i just....don't see him that way
Straight up brawl, no prep, Superman would mop the floor with Batman.

If Superman was like, hey Bats, in two weeks time we're gonna throw down in the streets of Gotham--Batman would have him no questions.
well who won in the comic book? wasnt' there an episode with lex luthors kryptonite ring involved??? i didn't read that episode but my geekster hubby says there was a comic like this....
Batman has defeated Superman on a couple of occasions. The most famous was in the Dark Knight Returns graphic novel. Bats had help, and did plan it by luring Superman into a trap where Green Arrow shot him. The other instances (Batman: Hush, DKR, and Sup/Bats vol. 1/ish. #3), Batman also had kryptonite and time to prepare. There have been a few instances where neither won, Batman escapes.

Fact of the matter is? Batman plays dirty. Superman doesn't.
but there are no rules...its not a boxing match....its a "can you kill/disable this person/alien" and ....again...the gothic vigilante won heheheh
Marcena said:
Why is everyone saying Batman?!

Because, it has been established that Batman has protocols in place for taking down every member of the justice league (At least, who was a member during the Grant Morrison era). Batman is a planner and a schemer, and thinks at LEAST 3 steps ahead of whomever he's up against. Superman, while ultimately possessing far more raw power, lacks Batman's tactical genius.

Oh, and Toddo, why Green Lantern vs Dr Doom, and more specifically, which Green Lantern? John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, or one of the members of the corps? And during which era? Yellow liability absolute, or dependent on the willpower of the user of the ring?

Now Sinsetro Vs Dr Doom....

"Victor Von Doom, you have been found capable of inspiring great Fear..."
i'd like to see the wonder twins against kit and kat....but lets face it....that will only ever happen in our backyard/living rooms with action figures :(

Batman is just a rich guy with lots of toys and a vendetta. One bullet to the eye and hes down...or any other time when hes not running around in his outfit.

Superman is a Superhero, not human. His gadgets don't make him at all.