Bedding Down


As I have been traveling in my years, I have searched for a place to make a base of operations for me while I'm away from my city. I have heard of many places and look for the the correct spot for a stone elf as I to come back after travels to call home till my time is done and have taken my position with my kin. I have come across many villages that are not so nice to my race and will not accept any attacks to me or my kin for I see no humor in taunting us to evoke emotional discord. What makes This town above the rest.

Sincerely Pyke the decedent of the first golden elf to be unburdened from the hold of emotional ties.
Well, there are many things.... Different.... About our little gathering here in Valdanis, but I think the most pertinent of them is that no one here is what you would call 'normal'. We have everything from were-creatures, to Knights, to a Creation Mage, and even the occasional Goblin. While I can't say that no one will ever try to get a rise out of you- in fact, I can almost guarantee someone will- I can tell you that you won't be mistreated simply because you are a Stone Elf. If I know the people of these lands like I think I do, many of them will be more intrigued by your presence than anything else, and would love to make your acquaintance: we do not see many Stone Elves.

- Wycliff, the Seeker of Spirit.
We Don't stray far from our land. But when we do its for a purpose. Mine will take several hundred years and I've just beginning. A goblin you say? Must be a trixy thing to have around. They are notorious for trouble. But loyal as they get if you can get to be comrades.
I'm certain I will find a few who I will be able to help and vise versa
Hang out with the MWE's, we won't do anything you're uncomfortable with, although we make a multitude of bawdy jokes.

Speaking from experience..... Ignore that offer.
- Wycliff, the Seeker of Spirit.
I have my own journey I will take. But you have not answered the question of why should I choose your town to stay in? I logically see it in a position of importance in the future. I look at a future in where most of you may have grandchildren that have already passed so your trivial events that are happening now may not have any importance on me.
Pyke, forgive me for a harsh tone, but you seem to be under a major misconception: Stone elves live for an average of 1200 years, and that is indeed quite a long lifespan, but it is not the longest of the races. Normal Elves live just as long, if not longer, and Mystic Wood Elves are nigh immortal in terms of aging. I even know an adventurer who is, in fact, immortal.
Secondly, those 'trivial events', as you so callously called them, usually involve the destruction of our- YOUR- world. You'd be a fool to think that the outcomes of our struggles don't affect you. For example, the almost utter erasure of magic 201 years ago? That was a result of the adventurers, and I'm sure many Stone Elves went insane when that occured, being as connected to Celestial Magic as they are.
Finally, if you are on a quest for knowledge, as I am, I can personally tell you that sticking around the kind of people that gather each market day will speed up your search a hundred-fold, albeit with a large margin of danger.

- Wycliff, the Seeker of Spirit.
Goodman Pyke,

You speak of finding a place for your base of operations. In truth once cannot answer your question without knowing your intentions. Valdanis has long been at the crux of world events. It's history is ancient, the ley lines close. Ancient power and mysteries lie here. As such, it has forever been a hotbed of activity, and a draw to adventurers. Merchants willing to brave the dangers make good coin. Politics ebb and flow, inevitably returning.

If you seek knowledge, power, experience, or adventure, this is a great locale.

If you seek a long quiet life, this is not the place for you.

If your question is more simplistic in nature, there are no other towns for many leagues that are not encumbered by hordes of undead.

As for racial concerns, many nations have adopted policies embracing their local races. Valdanis is one of the few open to all. Each citizen race has equal rights under our laws.

While I respect your long term views, it does not bode well to insult others ties to current events. It is illogical to expect them to respect your long term, emotionally withdrawn views when you can not or will not respect their short lived viewpoints. Perspective is a very real factor in everything.

Should you have more pointed questions, or clarification upon your original question, I would be happy to answer.

Baroness Ahlana Antaro Silverbane
I thank youvBaroness Ahlana Antaro Silverbane for your answer and I am sorry if I have offend anyone. Valdanis will be my choice and the market place be my gathering spot. I hope to not bring dangers apon the town and I will keep to myself until the need arise that I see a logical reason to fight with others but if it suits my end goals then yes i will fight amongst the great adventures of valdanis