"Being Able to Speak Doesn't Make You Intelligent"


Wisconsin Staff
Alliance LARP Wisconsin weekend event, "Being Able to Speak Doesn't Make You Intelligent", to be held on March 29th to 31st, will open March 4th at 12pm for Pre-Registration . All Pre-Reg's and payments will be due by March 24th at 11:59pm. The cost will be $80 to PC for this event or to NPC for this event the cost is $25. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday are included with your event fee. (Please note that meal times may vary) Pre-Regging and Pre-Paying for this event will knock $10-PC/$5-NPC off from the cost!

This event is our Annual Selunari Silent Auction.

If you are interested in bringing anything to put into the Auction (examples include jewelry, boots, in-period clothing, LARP safe weapons, etc.) please email our Plot team at alliancewisconsinplot@gmail.com with how many items and what they are. Anyone who participates in bringing items to be auctioned will be rewarded with 200 gobbies per item brought, with a 600 gobby limit.

Please make all payments to alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com via Paypal or cash.

The event site will be Camp Wesley Woods Convention Center - 250 Stam St, Williams Bay, WI 53191

The site opens 6PM on March 29th. Logistics AND a soft lay on will begin at 7PM with PC talk and a hard lay-on at 9PM.

Layoff meeting will be at 9AM sharp with offsite by 11am sharp on Sunday.

Pre-registration for this event should be completed on the CMA:

Send any questions or concerns to alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com.​

We look forward to seeing you for the weekend event for Alliance LARP Wisconsin.

Lastly, all attendees must have a current Alliance LARP Wisconsin Yearly Membership ($20) and a signed waiver on file to play. Additionally, National needs signed photo waivers from anyone who wishes for a photo of them to be used in the rule book.

Menu for this event will be posted shortly.
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With the well deserved retirement of Ana as our amazing Kitchen Master, I will be covering this event. Please be gentle as I am not a Master Chef like she is.

Morning (7-10): Serve Yourself Whenever
  • Yogurt
  • Fruit
  • Granola
  • Oatmeal Packets
  • Bagels
  • Cream cheeses

Lunch (11-3): Serve Yourself Whenever
  • Cold Cuts
  • Hot Dogs (Crock Pot)
  • Cheese
  • Quesadilla Maker with
    • Tortillas (Gluten and non Gluten varieties)
    • Cheese
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Various condiments

Dinner (6-8): TACO BAR
  • Taco Meats
    • Beef
    • Shredded Chicken
  • Hard Shell
  • Soft Shell
  • Dorito Bags for Walking Tacos
  • Cheese
  • Lettuce
  • Sour Cream
  • Chopped Onion
  • Lime
  • Cilantro
All Day
  • Cheese Quesadillas
  • Fruit
  • Cold Cuts
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
Calling all Vegetarians willing to help a girl out. I do not know the things that would be most beneficial for you all as substitutes and would greatly appreciate guidance or suggestions. Please feel free to email me at AllianceWisconsinOwner@gmail.com or DM me here if there is something I can add to the menu to help ensure vegetarian needs are met.