Best/Fave Moments of November 04 Event (two threads merged)


Obligatory "best moments" thread, novemver event

would an event be complete without one? probably, but why deprive all of your most and least heroic moments of the event?

highlights for me, likely...

-First thrill of getting to hear Shane whisper what was essentially "your gonna die" to me as part of a vision
-The feeling of releif as the blind man was pronounced permanently dead
-Seeing the two Faye duke it out in our cabin
-working through suspicions of a link between the assassins that tried to take out za-zaye(sp), and the MWE that aproached me the game before
-Watching the consentual sheild bash/bull rushing of Saba
-general mood of being involved in plot, and impending doom (im sure the two are entirely unrelated >.>)
-Dark Elf gotta pee
Fave moments


Teaching walay :laugh:

Watching sea gobblins drop all there weapons :duel:

Double hooking as a Greater Crimson fog :twisted:
The climactic battle to assassinate the Blind Man. I had so much fun as a dimond golem, actually being able to survive for a little despite taking on three or four PCs at a time. I will always remember the moment DG#3 or 4 battled some girl who's name I forgot. I believe JP was behind her continually granting her magic armors every time I landed my 8-n blows. Damn me for being mindless, or I would have kick his @$$! I definately dropped a few players that battle.

As far as roleplaying goes, I had so much fun acting as a brutish hill troll, and half interacting with the PCs instead of getting our asses handed to us on sight. That still happened, but we got to try to act tough first.

I did get my moments to kick ***. I don't know exactly who it was because it was dark. Might have been Kelly. I threw an entangle at him. The only indicator that it hit was the sudden "****!" that ensued. We proceded to 3-n him to death. Luckily for him his friends came out to save him, but we still had our moment!
Pearl: if your happy and you know it clap your hands
Jenali glares at her and doesn't even move
Fiyana: CLaps! and smiles!

gotta love them dark elves!

i got to play! yay!!!!
even if it was slaving away in the kitchen that was alot of fun!
it was an awesome event and
THANK YOU NPCs! they were awesome this weekend!
Tom said:
I will always remember the moment DG#3 or 4 battled some girl who's name I forgot. I believe JP was behind her continually granting her magic armors every time I landed my 8-n blows. Damn me for being mindless, or I would have kick his @$$!

Heheh. And people wonder why I memorize 15 or those.

Gregor: Backpack Healer/Guardian. Guaranteed to keep you from falling down in one really big fight or your money back. Accept no substitutes. :)
I had two really good moments... the rest was good, but not as shining as these two...

The scene that gave Becca her first plotgasm
And sitting around for some time as a (different) crazy biata listening to people yell "Where's Diera?!"
I think the better moments were "hanging out in gypsy camp" and "laughing at Augusto Coralli after he told Triana she couldn't help him".

Watching as one of my fellow Sea Goblins willingly entered the Gypsy cabin.

Having EVERYONE in small groups run to their cabins as I was playing an Ankheg.

Being part of the group of sea govlins that discovered that they were to be KoS in the town.

Watching Solomen just run through the trap/magic-trap/glyphed barn

Watching Gregor check the treasure chest for traps on the inside and then pick it up only to find that it was sitting on an explosive trap (which destroyed the chest and all the treasure.
Being the Marchessa and BSing my way through all the technical army questions. Jeff, if you would like to know the revised answers to what you asked, PM me.

Designing the PCs demise in february.

Um. . . my "plotgasm." That was the best scene I ever did.

The OTHER best scene I ever did with Brad on Friday.

Getting tabards thrown at me by Jim for singing the egg song in monster camp with Dave. !!!!

Going into game as Starlyn, expecting to get hit on extensively by Polare, the single hobling, but instead getting hit on most by Solomon, the MARRIED hobling. And everybody conveniently failed to mention he was married. . .
Kittyfox said:
Going into game as Starlyn, expecting to get hit on extensively by Polare, the single hobling, but instead getting hit on most by Solomon, the MARRIED hobling. And everybody conveniently failed to mention he was married. . .
I thought about mentioning it, but it was more amusing this way, and anyway, I dont know anything about hobling fidelity. :)
Hum, things I liked.
Seeing more harlets in game. Its nice to see the "seedier" side of things without it being killer/assasin/theives (not saying they were not, just saying its a diffrent view).
Also nice to see boy and girl harlets. (moreso not ones that were all mystic wood elves)
Nice to see some of the NPCs opposing each other. (some beatles and trolls had a little "talk" )
I liked being able to use one of the trolls as an exercise in combat. "Here give me that axe and I will show you what I mean." Kauss takes the axe and beats on a troll. "See, Now you try it" hands the axe back and the other dwarf gives it a go.

Just to name a few.
gee, i dunno, so many things:

1. Damien physically tackling me 2 times in 10 minuets

2. as a sea goblin taking on like 5 other npc's as normal goblins in an epic battle that resulted in my ruthless slauter

3. an extremely compeling 2 hour long out of game political debate agaist like 5 different people each of them much older than me

4. the awsome giant plant battle right before saterday night logistics (thank you becca)

5. the fact that there was a much more positive environment with the npc's

6. cleaning up the leftovers from the "kill the undead in the trap filled dungeon mod" and having an unfortnare run-in with a mousetrap that JP missed


Great Event!!!
Getting to play in my first Event,ever.

Dancing in the blindman battle doing no damage and staying warm

and all around having fun

*This is conrad the new NPC Ikra Icalla will be my PC one day....if i ever decide to leave the joy and food of monster camp*
1 a drunken philosiphor bum/begger.

2 great food like woah that was like a highlight!@

3 Great work from all the npc's and pc's

4 safe combat!!!

5 great newbies! i love to see them play!

6 everyone!

The excitment of my first event ever... And being included. I thought I'd be sitting in a corner the whole time, but I was actuly a part of what went on.
Okies so...umm

The loot from the puzzle mod that was the best ever.

Being thrown back and forth from Gregor to Kerjal...that was umm funny.

fey you gotta love them and there dirty tricks.

Holly playing Amelie...YAY! that wad fun...Oh and finding out soemthing very disturbing but very different about her. :eek:

HAHA!! the gypsies thinking I said we need a life when I said we need a light...that was funny. Oh and trying to killing blow a FAKE*** gypsy in front of the gypsies....that scared the crap outta me.
Tom said:
The climactic battle to assassinate the Blind Man. I had so much fun as a dimond golem, actually being able to survive for a little despite taking on three or four PCs at a time. I will always remember the moment DG#3 or 4 battled some girl who's name I forgot. I believe JP was behind her continually granting her magic armors every time I landed my 8-n blows. Damn me for being mindless, or I would have kick his @$$! I definately dropped a few players that battle.

As far as roleplaying goes, I had so much fun acting as a brutish hill troll, and half interacting with the PCs instead of getting our asses handed to us on sight. That still happened, but we got to try to act tough first.

I did get my moments to kick ***. I don't know exactly who it was because it was dark. Might have been Kelly. I threw an entangle at him. The only indicator that it hit was the sudden "****!" that ensued. We proceded to 3-n him to death. Luckily for him his friends came out to save him, but we still had our moment!

Soory, wasn't me....never got hit with an entangle....Landon hit me with a sleep, could have cloaked it but I needed the short nap :D
Loved the RP with all...

Best times...being involved in my first ever ritual (it only took 1 1/2 years, that's the way it is for a career NPC) thank you Gypsies :D

Getting involved in the puzzle mod, and drinking the Grape Juice...Derek "Okay there is water and non-alcoholic Grape Juice"...Kerjal "There is no bottle marked Grape Juice" Evad grabs the one unmarked bottle, that is obviously not water, pulls the cork and takes a whiff followed by a long drink..."That's Grape Juice"

Continuing my arguement with Elendiel about what actually transpired when we first met in Ironwood.

Feeling useful in the plant battle...poison shields for a couple and a cure Mort for Mykel to keep him in the garden...

Seeing all my food devoured and not having to toss a drop of remains..."left overs??? What are left overs???"