Best/Fave Moments of November 04 Event (two threads merged)

jpariury said:
In that vein, I wanted to publicly note something. As early as about a year ago or so, many players voiced that plot seemed to only be directed to a select group of people: Zodiac, one member of the Knights or another, and maybe one or two other people. In recent times, I have not heard one peep of that sort of concern. From my own limited seating, I see plot being directed at an ever-changing group of people, and it seems dispersed among many players that at one time didn't really see much plot. I think that plot as a whole deserves a hearty congratulations in that regard. Thank you, all!

Should've been there in September. With the exception of people who were in Iron Wood for specific reasons I don't think there was much plot actually directed at people; tons of it available and going on for people to jump on, but none directed.
jpariury said:
In that vein, I wanted to publicly note something. As early as about a year ago or so, many players voiced that plot seemed to only be directed to a select group of people: Zodiac, one member of the Knights or another, and maybe one or two other people. In recent times, I have not heard one peep of that sort of concern. From my own limited seating, I see plot being directed at an ever-changing group of people, and it seems dispersed among many players that at one time didn't really see much plot. I think that plot as a whole deserves a hearty congratulations in that regard. Thank you, all!

Thank you kindly sir! :D
Ooh! I just remembered something really funny I did!

I invested Aeris.

Go on, ask her about it. :D

Kelly's food. It was all about Kelly's food!

But my biggest highlight was simply being back and getting to see everyone, even if I could only watch them from the shadows as an NPC.
Oh, and when I started to shout insults at the water to get the Beachcombers out. Becca looks at me for a second, and then says "Okay, that's a challenge." As I recall, Hayley went back to monster camp and grabbed a whole bunch of packets. And then we waylayed her IG.

Fun event.
Yes that was great "You unpunctual oversized ugly blue newts!"

Oh and then it was great having a spear and using that to fight but I kept getting blocked so I throw it to the side and get my sword (which was on my back) which had a serious vorpal and down a finfolk with one hit. I know they might not be strong but I still felt proud having the seccond highest level and killing them with ease, made me feel like I was one of the high level people.

Also yelling at the beachcombers that we were tasty pearl divers.

Also yelling at the newts and hearing the gooses skawk (which sounded a lot like a laugh) and then someone going "Well thats just not nice, they are laughing at us"
Forgot to mention when Elendil finally beat me at checkers. Sure, he started with an entire extra row of pieces, but still.

I have yet to beat him at chess.

And thanks much to whoever decided to pick me at one of the top NPCs. I don't know the specifics of what I did so well, but I feel encouraged to do an even better job next time. That really made my day!
All I have to say....

If you want to be ammused have Sarah Cast your ritual....she is very very strange....
Oh yeah, and a third (or is it fourth? I dunno...) thing.

I was very impressed with the improved masks and costuming last event. I never had to ask if a bug was a bug, or a kid in a hockey mask! Way cool!
jpariury said:
Ooooh yeah, that reminds me of a funny thing I did.

I invested Mykell and Balryn in the Earth Circle!

I sincerely hope you're being JPish, JP, and trying to pull my leg...
Judging by the marshal notes not being updated to include them when I took them down at the end of the event... cause, you know, I'm the only one that cleans that building after an event after everyone's been in there over the course of the weekend...
i cleaned it last event, and i NPCed...

oh, and JP, its not JP-ish, its J-Pish, whatever the hell that means...
oh boy someone is are so going to get yelled at, at the next event.

Did you really invest them?
Only cause I begged you for help, Landon. IIRC, you also helped me with some of the set up... around people. Congratulations, you win fudge.
Sowing seeds of disinformation

Aeris said:
oh boy someone is are so going to get yelled at, at the next event.

Not saying it did or didn't happen, but of course G wouldn't get in trouble. It's not like everyone invested has an automatic knowledge of who is invested. What would Deira do? Throw down a permanent celestial circle around the earth circle to she could get it Identified, "just in case"? As long as Balryn and Mykell don't walk into it while the wrong people are looking, they should get away with it. Besides, Slice ordered it under the auspices of the Sindaco in order to avoid a war with the gypsies, and to have the five curses removed from Augusto, so it's not like it would have been done against the orders of those in charge. Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Besides, where do you think Gregor, Derek, Balryn, and Mykell were during the first half of that plant fight?

Deira said:
Judging by the marshal notes not being updated to include them when I took them down at the end of the event... cause, you know, I'm the only one that cleans that building after an event after everyone's been in there over the course of the weekend...

All rules have been followed, rest assured. Dave already asked me for all the details.
It would also mean the magic item tag got updated during the event, and I've never seen that happen. I'm still waiting on a magic item tag from an item I made two events ago. In fact, it specifically states that only a temp tag needs to be issued after the casting. Therefore a new circle tag didn't need to be issued until next event. Hypothetically, of course. <.< >.>

Who noticed the eerie silence from the gypsies about not being invested starting shortly after the event....
You know, if you're trying to get me to just quit playing Diera, you're doing a good job...