Best Roleplayer (May 4th- 6th)

Who did you have the best role play interaction with? Who did you think do the best job roleplaying?

Comment below with in the next 2 weeks.
I'm having trouble with this one since there are multiple people I want to vote for. I think Cyn doing the ritual was a great roleplay moment for her; you could watch her heart breaking and yet she persisted.

Brigit's ability to use sign language and facial expressions for Belle was impressive.

but honestly, since I had a lot more interaction with him than I normally do. I got to see Ian role play as Banradi. I'm going to vote for him, he had multiple really cool character moments and stayed in game every moment.
I thought Brigit did very good. I only heard one little squeak from her when she sat on something. the sign language was a very good touch and the interactions between joe and her was memorable. and again she bribed me with fudge.
I didn't interact with Brigit at all. And if making Annette get emotional and cry doesn't count. Since we always have those interactions.

I pick Aiden. The last mod of the night, I saw how well he responded to tense roleplay from high level players or npcs and thought he did a great job.
I stuck to a few small groups this event so I can't fairly judge everyone's roleplaying, but my impressions of Cyn (even though I wasn't at the ritual casting I heard about it later) and Banradi and Taios were all very strong. I'd nominate/second all three of them. If forced to select only one, Radi, because he went through a definite period of adjustment after emerging from the Stone and his progression was very well performed.
Naomi and Roddy went through some equally heavy stuff to my eyes. I can't pick between them.

Shout out to Cressida for being put in a really scary OOG/IG situation. Many people when they are actually scared will reflexively break character and immersion to get out of the pressure. As I understand it you fought to stay in character during your personal challenge which was pretty intense/scary. Keep up the good work. :p