B'ham NPCs

In case ya didn't notice at the last game, WE NEED MORE NPCS!!!

I'm gunna try and round up some people from the B'ham Boffer Club to NPC at the next event. The only problem is:


I need a show of hands. Who can provide transportation from B'ham to the game and back again? The number of people that we can get depends on the number of cars we can get, and right now, that number is ZERO.

Anyone who provides a car will get $5 gas money from each person in the car.
Boffer Club & Newbee Discount

The people I'm gunna round up are NEW and from a BOFFER CLUB. So, with those factors combined, how much will it cost them to NPC?
Ellie al'Basteua said:
The people I'm gunna round up are NEW and from a BOFFER CLUB. So, with those factors combined, how much will it cost them to NPC?

There is no discount for new NPCs. They get 5 bucks off for being in the boffer club; 10 if they bring 10 people or more. Remind them that they need to:

Bring bedding, extra socks, black (or grey or navy) pants and shirts --NO BLUE JEANS! Shirt with logos will need to be worn inside out. They also need to bring food. We will try to feed them, but we only guarentee snacks.
Just to make sure I've got it right:

single boffer club person = $15
if ten people come, each person = $10
Jim said:
Tblack (or grey or navy) pants and shirts --NO BLUE JEANS! Shirt with logos will need to be worn inside out.

Wasn't there an anouncement sometime or another requireing NPCs to wear all black?
Dante said:
Wasn't there an anouncement sometime or another requireing NPCs to wear all black?

Yes there was. But once in a while we need to give a reminder about it.
Save some Money!

NERO Alliance Seattle will give 90 gobbies and 10 dollars off your event fee (pre-reg or at door) for folks who drive up and get the Bham people. We realize that this certainly will not fully componsate gas prices, but for the moment it is all we can do. Hopefully the NPCs themselves will also be able to chip in some towards gas costs.

We also ask that you be resonable and try to coordinate this with everyone involved. We do not want to see six people go up and each get one person. Try juggling folks around and what not, so two people can take people to the event from around Seattle and two can take the Bham folks, or what have you. Thank you all for your support in this; remember more NPCs makes the game better for everyone!
And a good day to you, Miss Helsing.

Jim said:
There is no discount for new NPCs. They get 5 bucks off for being in the boffer club; 10 if they bring 10 people or more. Remind them that they need to:

Bring bedding, extra socks, black (or grey or navy) pants and shirts --NO BLUE JEANS! Shirt with logos will need to be worn inside out. They also need to bring food. We will try to feed them, but we only guarentee snacks.

Please bring shower stuff as well. Soap, towel, shampoo, Deodorant.
Toothbrush, toothpaste...

Demonstrate your mastery of the olfactory arts elsewhere :P

In preiod ages in england and europe were a lot less sexy than people imagine them to be, mostly because of the lack of the above.

For those of you who think I'm silly for mentioning this, you must not have smelled a fragrance I like to call "Sunday NPC Cabin Breeze"

Always helpful, except in emergencies;
I can drive up to Bham to help. I can carry 2-4 NPCs depending on gear. If they all basically are bringing the clothes on their backs, then I can take 4. If they have stuff mentioned above then I can take 2-3 (3i f they have little enough stuff to hold on their laps). If someone with a truck drives up and gets stuff, I can probably (illegally :) ) squeeze 4 in the backseat (depending on NPC size) and someone in the passanger seat. Let me know.
just wanted to let you all know I am currently bringing at least 2 New NPCs but i have about 25 people who want to go and all of them are maybes serveral are high possability but only 2 i know for sure and they all want to NPC first event if this happens there might be an overkill of NPC which is not a bad thing (holy crap i might sleep for once as an NPC...maybe or just chase new NPC make sure there doing things right and fold tabards for hours on end...)

Anyhow i will gladly push for more of them to commit to 100% coming if you really badly want more players (some may change to PCs currently I know Pauls bringing 1 New NPC to the event) but in all I'm not sure but i might be taking a bus load of people (if i get enough) and coming to the event (the bus will then become backup sleep zone if I actuly bring that many) I'm not to sure I want to bring that many new people I was going to spread them out over time so they all get enough time to learn with experenced players having some free time and not in a big mob so they could get questions answered, so mainly I'm asking how many should I push to bring (they ranged from some Larp experence to never even used a weapon...) but all of them are rather creative actors and so far most can tell a good tale or 2 and fallow orders. They will be coming mainly from the new school I just enrolled in a short while ago and caught there eye with a large speech about NERO and well they asked me about it and some want to come (i'm babbaling now....weee) anyhow just let me know and I can bring large numbers but to be honest I'm not sure if I want more than maybe 7 or 8 new players coming at a time...
Ikra Icalla said:
just wanted to let you all know I am currently bringing at least 2 New NPCs but i have about 25 people who want to go and all of them are maybes serveral are high possability but only 2 i know for sure and they all want to NPC first event if this happens there might be an overkill of NPC which is not a bad thing (holy crap i might sleep for once as an NPC...maybe or just chase new NPC make sure there doing things right and fold tabards for hours on end...)

Anyhow i will gladly push for more of them to commit to 100% coming if you really badly want more players (some may change to PCs currently I know Pauls bringing 1 New NPC to the event) but in all I'm not sure but i might be taking a bus load of people (if i get enough) and coming to the event (the bus will then become backup sleep zone if I actuly bring that many) I'm not to sure I want to bring that many new people I was going to spread them out over time so they all get enough time to learn with experenced players having some free time and not in a big mob so they could get questions answered, so mainly I'm asking how many should I push to bring (they ranged from some Larp experence to never even used a weapon...) but all of them are rather creative actors and so far most can tell a good tale or 2 and fallow orders. They will be coming mainly from the new school I just enrolled in a short while ago and caught there eye with a large speech about NERO and well they asked me about it and some want to come (i'm babbaling now....weee) anyhow just let me know and I can bring large numbers but to be honest I'm not sure if I want more than maybe 7 or 8 new players coming at a time...

Wow! I don't know what I would do with 25 NPCs! Perhaps staggering them would be best! Though, the more the merrier. Please email me at jim at neroseattle.com so we can make sure they are all on the same page about food, costs, what to bring, etc. Thanks for getting so many people excited about the event!

my email just stopped loading for some reason or another maybe my internet cut out so i'll send you all the info i typed in a little while maybe tommarow. oh yeah....and sorry for not being there last event hope you didnt have anything planed for Sparks....
Alavatar said:
I can drive up to Bham to help. I can carry 2-4 NPCs depending on gear. If they all basically are bringing the clothes on their backs, then I can take 4. If they have stuff mentioned above then I can take 2-3 (3i f they have little enough stuff to hold on their laps). If someone with a truck drives up and gets stuff, I can probably (illegally :) ) squeeze 4 in the backseat (depending on NPC size) and someone in the passanger seat. Let me know.

Sweet! I'll PM you to work out the details!
I plan on NPCing next event. So here is one NPC. My boyfriend is going to NPC as well so there is two. Though I'll have to let him know my decision.
Yup, definitely looks like there is probably going to be a lot of NPC's this coming event. All you PC's better watch out! :)
HOLY CRAPMONKIES. That's a lot of people. If I had my VW van, you would all totally pile in and I would drive ya all down. O_O But I don't. *cry* I'll see what I can do. . . It might up the gas price a bit, but I wanna see these people come down. Wow. *plots*
See?! I knew that this whole "I'm going to talk about NERO at my school" plot would work out!

I'm bringing up only 1 new PC, unfortunately. The other can't make it, and I'm mostly relying on Conrad for the new NPCs.

It'd be nice to have another event where we have around even PC/NPC ratio. As I recall, it allowed the NPCs to get food and sleep, it allowed the PCs to have a greater number of modules running at one time, and it generally just helped grease the wheels of the game.

Hmm . . . NPC grease . . . (Apply to section of game that is sticking. If game continues to stick, remove plot hooks and try once more. If further applications of NPC grease do not resolve the problem, try getting some sleep.)
The events where the PC's are outnumbered have always been intresting to say the least. Hopefully everything works out and everyone can make it.
Alavatar said:
Massive amounts of NPCs? Finally, a real horde battle! 30 lowbie monsters and one or 2 ookie ones commanding them. Completely overwhelm the PCs!
Been there, done it, bought the t-shirt. Harken back to the days of yore, my kiddies. It was, oh, July of 1991, in Camp Wing, Massachusetts. 200 NPCs with APL 8 monsters vs our 50-person, APL 2.5 royal army. This is back in the day when 12th level was considered "oh-my-god, will I ever play that long?". I think we lasted maybe a minute. But what a minute it was.