Kittyfox said:IF I CAN GET THEM TO THE SEATTLE AREA, ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO CAN GIVE THEM RIDES THE REST OF THE WAY? I might be able to borrow a van, but I can't use it to get monster camp there. ALTERNATELY! Is there someone who can drive a manual who could take down my half of monster camp?
If I get enough people volunteering seats, (or one person volunteering to drive my truck) I will MOST LIKELY be able to get 11 NPCs there.
IF ANYONE CAN VOLUNTEER SEATS (I will need 11): Please reply on here, or to my staff email:
Kittyfox said:Sweet! Less. . . driving to bellingham for me!
I think it shouldn't be a problem, since I got permission this time. As long as it's with their schedule. Hmm. . . I'll discuss it with staff and get back to ya.
Ellie al'Basteua said:Now one of my friends says that we might have enough NPCs to fill a van afterall. But I'm not gunna believe him until tomorrow night, when he shows me these supposed 'people'.
Anyhow, if, for some crazy reason, he's not lying, is it still possible to get the van?
Kittyfox said:Oh good heavens. No, I can't get the van anymore. . . But I think we should plan on doing the van business in February, actually. Because if we have craptons of NPCs at February, it will r0x0r. Just saying.
Ellie al'Basteua said:Ya know, that's a really good idea. Actaully, the people that I talked to last night sounded more interested in the Feb. Game than anything else.
Jim said:Well, I would really like to know approx. how many we are going to have for this game.
Polare Lissenstine said:This also means you may get partial values of people. I suggest you put these fragments to work as zombies and corpses.