B'ham NPCs

I demand proof of said tee-shirt. :D

On the other hand. . . still working on that "getting people from bellingham" business. Blarg.
IF I CAN GET THEM TO THE SEATTLE AREA, ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO CAN GIVE THEM RIDES THE REST OF THE WAY? I might be able to borrow a van, but I can't use it to get monster camp there. ALTERNATELY! Is there someone who can drive a manual who could take down my half of monster camp?

If I get enough people volunteering seats, (or one person volunteering to drive my truck) I will MOST LIKELY be able to get 11 NPCs there.

IF ANYONE CAN VOLUNTEER SEATS (I will need 11): Please reply on here, or to my staff email: becca@neroseattle.com
Kittyfox said:
IF I CAN GET THEM TO THE SEATTLE AREA, ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO CAN GIVE THEM RIDES THE REST OF THE WAY? I might be able to borrow a van, but I can't use it to get monster camp there. ALTERNATELY! Is there someone who can drive a manual who could take down my half of monster camp?

If I get enough people volunteering seats, (or one person volunteering to drive my truck) I will MOST LIKELY be able to get 11 NPCs there.

IF ANYONE CAN VOLUNTEER SEATS (I will need 11): Please reply on here, or to my staff email: becca@neroseattle.com

I think, that things have been settled for the Bellinghan folks. We have two cars for them... or are you talking about Conrad's folks?
I think all of Conrad's folks live in Portland. Unless portland moved to Seattle? That would be weird, but it would save us Oregonians gas money.
I know nothing about these two cars. All I know is that evidently there's 25 people. 25 people won't fit into two cars. . . Unless they're all clowns and the cars are really small. Which would be really funny once we got to nero. . .

Sorry, I don't sleep well and it shows. :D
I HAVE had 7 passengers in my car before (plus me). 4 people squeezed in the back, a fifth laying across their laps, a person in the passenger seat with someone on his lap, and me all comfortable in the driver's seat. Granted, that was for only about 20 minutes and people literally fell out of my car when we got to our destination and it was completely unsafe (even though I am a perfect driver :) ), but we all got to where we wanted to go. Then had to do it all over again on the way back. Ah, the college days... (last year).
It's starting to look like the number of people coming may be a bit less than I originally thought, so the number of cars that we have right now is probably going to be perfect.

More on that later!

Sorry to disappoint

Well, it looks like we *had* 25 potential NPCs, but most of those slackers went and made other plans. I spent most of yesterday afternoon calling and emailing people, without any luck. There's just too much to do around here. They're all going to concerts and skiing and stuff like that. I think we still have enough NPCs to fill the two cars though, but it looks like the van definately will not be needed.

I think that if people knew that they had definite transportation earlier, they?d wouldn?t go and make other plans. What about doing the van in January instead? If I can get to work now, I?d be able to gather enough people by then.
Sweet! Less. . . driving to bellingham for me!

I think it shouldn't be a problem, since I got permission this time. As long as it's with their schedule. Hmm. . . I'll discuss it with staff and get back to ya.
Kittyfox said:
Sweet! Less. . . driving to bellingham for me!

I think it shouldn't be a problem, since I got permission this time. As long as it's with their schedule. Hmm. . . I'll discuss it with staff and get back to ya.

Sweet! Should I just assume that we will have the van for January then and start putting things in the works?
Freaking arg!

Now one of my friends says that we might have enough NPCs to fill a van afterall. But I'm not gunna believe him until tomorrow night, when he shows me these supposed 'people'.

Anyhow, if, for some crazy reason, he's not lying, is it still possible to get the van?
Ellie al'Basteua said:
Now one of my friends says that we might have enough NPCs to fill a van afterall. But I'm not gunna believe him until tomorrow night, when he shows me these supposed 'people'.

Anyhow, if, for some crazy reason, he's not lying, is it still possible to get the van?

I can get ya 3 cars.
Hmmm so are all of you trying to get rides for my NPC collection? cause I'm only going to bring about 5-8 I dont want 30 people who have bvery little experence playing and from the sounds of it even if i bring zero noobies there will still be at least 4 or 5 but right now i'm talking to people about who really wants to go this weekend and what not and the more enthusastic ones i'm trying to get (also ones that i feel will work in our wonderful community and wont just be lame and need to be kicked out after the event) The NPCs that I'm bvring will most likly not need a ride..as one of the NPCs might just bvring himself his sister his sisters boyfriend his dad and his mom (all of whom would play as NPCS) and there are several others like this which is scaring me..because that means that number i talked about before of 25 slowly over time... well if all those kids have parents like this the numbers might rise slowly who knows i might have just started a huge rise in players most of them also like the sound of LARPing in general they just didnt know where to look so i'll see you at the event with maybe 5 or 6 new players dont want to over run noobies all over till some of them learn how to play
Oh good heavens. No, I can't get the van anymore. . . But I think we should plan on doing the van business in February, actually. Because if we have craptons of NPCs at February, it will r0x0r. Just saying.
You Will Never Need To Van Any NPCs I Bring EVER!! I will make sure they have rides and there are no problems and they know where to go anything I say about NPCs dont Worry about rides or that remember I live in Portland.
Kittyfox said:
Oh good heavens. No, I can't get the van anymore. . . But I think we should plan on doing the van business in February, actually. Because if we have craptons of NPCs at February, it will r0x0r. Just saying.

Ya know, that's a really good idea. Actaully, the people that I talked to last night sounded more interested in the Feb. Game than anything else.
Ellie al'Basteua said:
Ya know, that's a really good idea. Actaully, the people that I talked to last night sounded more interested in the Feb. Game than anything else.

Well, I would really like to know approx. how many we are going to have for this game.
Jim said:
Well, I would really like to know approx. how many we are going to have for this game.

That is a quantity which can be defined as:

(random value between 0 and 1) * (number of people who say they will come) / (random value between 0.3 and 0.9)

This also means you may get partial values of people. I suggest you put these fragments to work as zombies and corpses.
