Big thanks...


go out to all of our super NPCs, you guys rocked and we couldn't keep running events without you. Great job to all the PCs as well, just a couple of highlights...

Devlin sneaking off to destroy nodes and diving into the woods
HoG spending 45 mins climbing neverending stairs (thanks for giving me time to get make up)
Jenn for helping out with the draconian make up
All the tasty tavern food

We hope you all had a good time, if not please let us know what we can do to make it better.

See you all for one heck of a closer in October (we're gonna start writing the event the Tuesday before hand, just 'cause we like you so much)

Don't forget to send us IBGAs we like them

Matt summed things up pretty well but I wanted to personally add a couple of things.

To all the people that came out to NPC, without all of you there would be no way we could run events as well as we do. I wish the PC's could see how excited these people were to be out entertaining you. Every time I came back to NPC camp and they were sitting around they wanted me to get them back out there to keep on going. Thank you all so much, you make my job so much easier and our events so much better.

I was also reminded this weekend by my friends from Illinois how lucky I am to have so many PCs that have such a good attitude about the game. You guys are the reason I do this and this past event was one of my favorite events to staff. I love being able to help run this game for all of you and I hope that you're having as good a time as I am with everything.

Anyway, I hope to see you all next month, I'm excited about our closer.

As usual, a fantastic South Michigan Event!!!!!!!

NPCs: OMG!!! Thank you guys for continuously beating the living cr@p out of us!! I am sooo glad that you all are out there and that you are excited about doing nothing but entertaining us. I apologize if I ever hit you guys too hard with Widowmaker and you should be happy to know that it will be losing about 6-8 lbs. because I am being told I need to make Widowmaker an ultra-light.

PCs: Gawd, I have such a great time playing with all of you who were here this event. There is such a great dynamic between all the groups who play. Every PC who was there has such a great attitude towards the way that Plot runs this game. Every loss, every permanent death, every magic item stolen is treated with OOG smiles and thanking of Plot. It is this attitude that gives our volunteer Plot team the ability to run events for us AND be excited about doing it.

Plot: There is nothing more I can say but Thank You for running this game I have so much fun playing.

Yep, you guys are the best!

NPCs, we love you. Thanks to Kylie and Joe for keeping me company in the tavern at 8 in the morning while everyone else was asleep. The best part of that morning (around 10 am):

Kylie (disappears and comes back wearing an Ilithid costume): "I just went and woke everyone up and told them to come to breakfast"
Elliot: "Oh no. You didn't. Did you wake up Josh?"
Kylie: "Yep."
Elliot: "You don't do that!"
Kylie (smiles innocently)

You guys cracked me up!

The stairs mod was my favorite. Who else but HoG would spend that much time walking in circles while intermittently riding each other like horses, starting a conga line, and wasting our only shatter trying to blow up the stairs, resulting in needing the rest of the town to come save our butts? Epic fail!

See you in October
Guys, I had a great time. There were PCs lying on the ground everwhere last night, it was awesome. Tom, Jorsh, Matt and the rest of the staff, thanks for running the game. NPCs old and new, thanks for coming out. There were enough of you so that Quintatious never felt safe in the woods alone or with others. Thank you Anique for keeping the tavern open for us hungry adventurers. See you guys in October!

Wow, what a weekend! Thank you runners and NPCs for a great event.
In no particular order, my favs …
Sneaking out with Rezzik to retrieve my stuff after rezzing. Not being able to find the path through the woods so finding our way through briers, etc when you couldn’t see one foot in front of your face. Thanks Rezzik for your help!
The battle with werewolves and vampire – intense!
Havok, Yoshi and I getting dropped by a big baddie. Yoshi’s comment “we’re f’d” as we lay there with no help in sight. Then somehow getting found and life’d just seconds before our time was up.
The vampire – very believable! Awesome job getting into character.
Being approached about doing an honor duel with a werewolf. Wow … even though that werewolf would have eaten me up in about 15 seconds, that was a real first for me. Thank you for the ego boost!
Honor duel between top dog werewolf and Rezzik.
Great food from the tavern. Thank you Anique and Christine for great meals and going to the work of feeding us all.
Brocktone trying to dissuade me from going out after missing HOG members. Brocktone, you were totally right in everything you said and you were so sincere and respectful in how you said it that my respect for you has grown higher than it already was. I’m sorry I didn’t take your advice but that just wasn’t an option for me at that time. And we did get there in time to save one of our guild.
Life & Death events – Love them!! Ok, I’m an adrenaline junkie. What can I say?
All the NPCs and runners, again, thank you for all your hard work. You made it a great event.

I agree one hundred percent with the above posts. Rather then cutting/pasting I just want to point out some small things that really made this weekend for me. Both IG and OOG

The make-up on the NPC's. I don't know what was different this event but I really noticed an increase in detail. Both town monsters and crunchies alike. For instance Nick had a great fire elemental face going with yellow flames and cool stuff. Little things like that show that the NPC's care about their role, and they make me want to get deeper into character to pay them the same respect.

Some of the pacing of mods really worked for me. After a HUGE Dark elf battle, and everyone walking back to the tavern for some post-mod relaxing.... SURPRISE! Erza's here. no rest for the weary. Big thumbs up

Mitch, as the Ilithid, draping those tentacles over my face from behind, and describing them entering my brain. One of the creepiest experiences of my life.

Seeing Josh play a non-epic monster. and seeing a little fear in his eye's when the savage races arrived to kill the hunters.

Doug, as Shump, quietly asking if I accept physical role-play. After answering, I was let's say.... 'removed' from the front lines. Doug, I hope to see you around again.

So many Golem bodies..... no control rod. :( Watching Sloane berserk. Never gets old.

Devlin teaching Idris. And Idris hating his face for it. Thanks Asa.

I am sure their were more, but I have to go post to the IG boards now.

Everyone has already given the much deserved love to the NPCs. But it can't be said enough; you all did an amazing job! Thank you to those of you who were first timers. I hope you had fun and plan to come back. Everyone else, you already know you're awesome. I don't think I was ever bored the entire weekend. If I was ever sitting down it was because I was too tired to stand. I agree with Joe about the make up, it looked great. Thanks for the extra effort.

To plot, thank you for another "OMG I'm going to die" event. I was terrified each time I accidentally made eye contact with Doug as the vampire. I was just waiting for "Come here, barbarian." Super intense! I was very excited to actually get to fight Ezra, even if was only for a few minutes. Being possessed by some necromantic entity and berserking on my friends is always entertaining!

To my fellow PCs, thank you for including me on mods. One of my favorite things about this chapter is how welcoming everyone has been. It was nice to see more barbarians. I wish I could have talked to Shump more but Friday night was very busy. It was amusing to try to protect Phineas one day, have to fight him the next (he was also possessed by the entity), and then run though the woods chasing after a draconian later the same night. Thanks for the fighting tips, Tom/Casan, they really came in handy. Deathclock (not sure if that is right) thank you for teaching me to play chess. I can just imagine what it must have looked like to see an orc and a barbarian playing chess.

I can't wait until the October event. I'm sure that plot has something extra terrifying in store for us all.

AWESOME!!!!!!!!! For my second event to be so different than the first. Keeping it fresh and new and original credit goes to NPC's both veteran and fresh. The first night there was no circle so I got surrounded and deathed while trying to defend a sick teammember. Fresh from that mortal blow Idriss gave me a wonderful lesson in countering massive hitters with lightning scrolls (Yay Idriss! Free fruit forever!).
Second day had some fun lighter mods -- like the ice trolls (ouch--will have to scrounge some flame). Cutting people out of spiderwebs was too much fun for words--I totally love having a single edge blade!!!! (again kudos to Idriss for the advice) Diplomacy with kobolds and goblins was also interesting. I love that NPC's have personalities that can range from deathlook vampire to crying kobold. Saving Phineas from the lich was fun too because we didn't really have to fight, but there was the fear all the same. Fave mod of all time was Elliot's chess games which really had me going--considering I was voted the chess "leader" for the group. It was like an honor duel with brains--yay!!! And I was so afraid of wagering or consequences that I could barely keep the pieces straight. Thank you Elliot for playing the scariest dwarf (oops I mean bearded human) I ever met.
And thanks to Idriss for having so much confidence in me going on mods. I will follow you anywhere except maybe for if someone else asks like Quinn or Yoshi or Cason or HoG (OK--maybe Im just a follower but it's hard to call out orders in my ingame voice). Well OK--the flame elementals gave me a good lesson in anywhere. I learned what it was like to be in death counts for 20 minutes or more. Thanks to the NPC's for keeping it challenging. Thanks to everyone who called out my name. Sorry I couldn't respond most of the time because I was unconscious but consciously trying to follow the rules. and BIG THANKS! to everyone who throw a life spell to anyone who needed it as well as myself cuz every spell was needed.
Other Kudos. Devlin going along with the vampire--that was just too funny for words. I hope you are at every event, Asa and I will try to make it to the renfest when you are going. Thanks to Naia for teaching me healing arts. Thanks to Cason to answering all my out of game questions (that goes for everyone else too). Thanks to the defenders of the doors (Deathclock, Hacken, Sloane, Havoc and the rest!) All those people who stood in front of me for protecting me from spells and accepting roleplay for me to drag you back to the healing circle and keeping me from 2-normaling the wererats to death (um... forget that last part).
Finally thanks again to Quinn and Yoshi for the ride and wonderful breakfast and introducing me to the wonderful world of larping.
Sorry it took so long for this response, waiting 80 years for board approval =P.

And since it has been so long Ive forgotten most of what I wanted to say, so instead you get short and sweet version.

First off because they are the most important, NPCs. Super big thanks to all you guys and gals who came/come out to NPC. Was great fun fighting you all, make up and role-playing was great, and attitudes were amazing. I cant give you all enough credit for awesomantiumness.

Next to all the plot/staff guys. You guys did a great job, thinks were interesting and different and a little brain wracking, doesn't get much better than that. Except for Josh cause he sucks. Definitely looking forward to see what you have cooked up for next time.

As for the PCs, it was great meeting you all and a lot of fun playing with you hopefully soon I will actually get to know your names IG or Out or whatever.

And to everyone I just want to say that I have been playing this game a decade now and I had pretty much given up all hope for enjoying myself and playing in an atmosphere that I liked, but after playing one event you all have breathed new life into a game I have loved for a long time. I hope you will fight if necessary to keep what you have, you probably don't know how lucky you are. I am so looking forward to coming back, and barring some emergency or whatever I will be a constant face next season. Heh, I hope you actually like me..... (^_~)