Big West 2019 Donation Drive and Fundraiser


Greetings Alliance LARP!

Today we are proud to announce our Big West fundraiser and donation drive! We have compiled a list of items that will help our plot team and NPCs put on the best possible event and we need your help to obtain them! Any “medium” priority items on our wish list will earn you 10 Goblin Stamps per dollar AND 1 Dragon Stamp for every $10 spent. Any “high” priority items on our wish list will earn you 10 Goblin Stamps per dollar AND 1 Dragon Stamp per $5 spent.

To claim an item from the wish list, please email, reply here, or simply purchase the items from the Amazon wish list. All items will be claimed on a first come, first serve basis. Once an item has been purchased, please send a copy of the invoice to the Seattle GM email so that we may ensure you receive proper compensation.

All items should be shipped to:

Luke Doyle

423 Koontz Rd

Oak Harbor WA 98277

If you’d rather us do the shopping for you, or you’d just like to throw cash at us so we can run an even better event, that’s OK too! All cash donations will earn you 10 Goblin Stamps per dollar and 1 Dragon Stamp per $20 donated.

Cash donations can be sent to:

Our Wish List:


Other Retailers:

High priority:

None at this time.

Non-Web listed items:

Packets: 250 or less @ ½ GS each or 250+ at 1 GS each, and for 1000+ add 2 DS per 100 packets

2000 White Spell packets Claimed by Tyler P!

1000 Orange Alchemy/Trap Packets

1000 Blue Archery packets

Weapons: NO aluminium cores and NO PVC cores except on bow reps. All rewards for weapons are contingent on them passing marshal safety checks. Goblin Stamp rewards assume basic boffer style weapons, additional Goblin Stamps will be awarded for higher quality. Production latex weapons are compensated at 10 Goblin Stamps per dollar (rather than the stated goblin stamp reward) and 1 Dragon Stamp per $10 in addition to the stated Dragon Stamp reward. Materials costs are not calculated in listed rewards, to be compensated at 10 Goblin Stamps per dollar for materials, send receipts to Links are provided for reference, any weapon which meets the standards and passes marshal safety checks will be accepted.

EXAMPLE #1: If you build a boffer polearm and the materials cost you $45, your total reward would be 690 Goblin Stamps and 12 Dragon Stamps.

EXAMPLE #2: If you bought the Dervish LARP Spear for $157 and paid $63 in shipping, you would receive 2200 Goblin Stamps and 34 Dragon Stamps.

3 x max length polearm reps: 240 Goblin Stamps, 12 Dragon Stamps each

4 x max length staff reps: 210 Goblin Stamps, 12 Dragon Stamps each

2 x two handed blunt reps: 180 Goblin Stamps, 10 Dragon Stamps each

2 x two handed edged reps: 180 Goblin Stamps, 10 Dragon Stamps each

2 max length 1 handed spear reps: 150 Goblin Stamps, 8 Dragon Stamps each

2 long bow reps: 150 Goblin Stamps, 8 Dragon Stamps each Claimed by William H!

2 min length short bow reps: 120 Goblin Stamps, 6 Dragon Stamps each Claimed by William H!

2 large shields: 210 Goblin Stamps, 10 Dragon Stamps each Claimed by William H!

Weapons not specifically mentioned: Production latex or high quality Plasti-dip weapons will be compensated at 10 Goblin Stamps per dollar spent or appraised value. Goblin Stamp compensation for boffer style weapons will be determined by the quality of the weapon.

Rewards will be tallied as the items arrive and awarded at the end of each month until Big West and again after the event. Thank you all in advance for helping to make our regional event an amazing success!
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Re: Latex weapons -

Would it be possible to have the compensation for those based on the amount paid, rather than fixed?
Re: Latex weapons -

Would it be possible to have the compensation for those based on the amount paid, rather than fixed?

Production latex weapons are compensated at 10 Goblin Stamps per dollar (rather than the stated goblin stamp reward) and 1 Dragon Stamp per $10 in addition to the stated Dragon Stamp reward.

That was the plan. I hope this clears that up.
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To the individual who bought the white headbands,

Please send a copy of the invoice to to receive your Goblin Stamps! They came only with a gift receipt and I cannot give you credit if I don't have your name and email. :)
What Items have been claimed regarding the boffer weapons/ shields? If any remain I would love to make some donations. Ideally, I can even claim all of them and get them made before the event.
None of the 19 weapons or shields have been claimed at this time. If you would like to claim multiple items, I encourage you to do so, but only as you begin to build that particular batch. Thank you so much for your interest, I look forward to hearing form you.
Can someone PM me an address to have these shipped to? I intend on picking up some or all of those pole arms, if no one else is going to. Receipts will follow after order is placed.

Just to clarify, are the gobbies all for Seattle, or split between the participating chapters?
Hey everybody!
We're three weeks out from BW and there are still loads of unclaimed items on our wish list and tons of stuff that our plot team needs but they can't put on there as to not ruin the surprise. To help raise money for the plot teams special requests, we are raising the Dragon Stamp rewards from 1 per $20 donated to 1 for every $5 donated for all donations $100 or more! Thank you for all of your support! See you all in 3 weeks!