

Not one not two but three! Happy birthday to all the real ones... and no, Landon, you are NOT old enough for beer yet.
Actually, four. Mr. Purple Haired Dark Elf has a birthday today, too. Happy birthday to Bryan. Happy Birthday to Marc. Happy birthday to Landon. Happy birthday to Mr. Dark Elf. And a birthday to me (not sure if its gonna be happy or not yet.)
Landon (Taran) already had his birthday. Hence why the line about all the real ones.

But we can make it four for the purple haired cutie. :p
Diera said:
But we can make it four for the purple haired cutie. :p

now I feel stuff =3

Happy birthday Paul, Brian, Marc, and me!

and happy fake birthday to Landon
Dante said:
now I feel stuff =3

Happy birthday Paul, Brian, Marc, and me!

and happy fake birthday to Landon

Wow! Well yes, happy birthday to all four! I hope you all have a great day.
Wow... lots of birthdays...
Happy Birthday Marc, Paul, Brian, and Dante!!
And it better be a happy one *threating look*
Happy fake birthday to Landon as well.
Jacquelyn is having a birthday soon or had one.

She also is loosing page status and moving into the world of Nero.

Happy birthday to all of you who celebrate this summer.
I do believe hers is in July... after mine... Actually, I think hers is on Diera's birthday (what, someone having a character birthday other than their own? *gasp*)
Mine is July 11...Also The twins (Sam and Isacc) birthday is June 30 and there brother Joe already had his. I think it was the 19th of june so Happy birthday Joe and everyone else.

Well, beofre I totally forget, Happy Birthday.