Blacksmith Production Question...


Alliance General Manager
New Hampshire Staff
Under the table where it gives how much production it costs to make certain items, it says that a thrown dagger is 5 production and a Javelin is 10 production (IIRC). Where would a thrown axe fit in, such as a Tomahawk? I assume it would be the same as a thrown dagger, but it doesn't specify.
Throwing axe = throwing dagger as far as production goes. Just make sure the phys rep looks like an axe. :)
Okay, that's what I figured. Thank you for the response!
If I can make a phys-rep that looks good enough (and flies well) I'll have boomerangs for my throwing "daggers" at the lowbie event. Well, since they won't be returning to me on the fly I guess they'd be woomeras instead of boomerangs. LOL
no, he is talking about the HQ lowbie event
I was indeed speaking of the HQ lowbie event.
Its easier to have a throwing weapon tag for all others besides a Javelin, but that's just me.
A boomerang that doesn't return is called a stick.

Too bad Nerf doesn't fit the safety requirements - there's quite a few foam boomerang models out there that actually do come back quite easily.
markusdark said:
A boomerang that doesn't return is called a stick.

Actually, a Woomera is carved for flight but just not to return in the manner of a Boomerang. It's not just a stick.
Tab's various thrown articles... (including a monkey) are getting to the point of being tagged "throwing thing" :D
Nothing like getting smacked in the arm with a stuffed toy and looking over to find out you were killed by a stuffed monkey head.

I love NPCing in the northeast :)