Blacksmithing Services - July


Chicago Staff

I am taking orders for production this next gather. Currently I am wide open for any needs. I'm a Master Blacksmith with a few interesting wares you might not find elsewhere.

These are special order items, and we'll need to talk in detail.

Leaded Coif- Metallic Helm
Resist Command 1/e, but could be 2,3 or even more.

Living Armor- Armor laced with plant material
Creates a suit of armor for a year that will allow healing to heal your body or repair armor; any excess healing over your max will go to armor.

Titan's Bulwak - Large metallic Shield
Reduces damage taken by 1 dagger blow, but more if further refined.


Let me know what you need and I’ll be happy to make it!

- Cass
Master Blacksmith Cass,

May I place an order for a polearm, a long bow, and 100 arrows?

If you have the ability, I have the gold.

-Cho Ko Nu
I can certainly accommodate that request.

I would love to discuss some details on living armor with you come market day.

- Lieutenant Roff

Please craft a strengthened polearm, and strengthened two handed sword.


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I may be interested in the Titans bulwark? I like being able to take damage so others don’t have to let’s talk more about this at the next market. I will be late to market but I will be there.

Lt. Squire Bruisey Foemangler.
Bruisey, we can talk, I'll let you know how I can gather the recipe again and the materials to make it quite durable.

Everyone else, I should be able to make the orders. If I can not I'll inform tomorrow.
