Bo!w Building

I am taking Archery and need to construct my first bow. Is the min/max length measured pre-shaping or tip to tip after it has been bent into form? Thanks!

PS. Great game last weekend! I had so much fun. Thanks to all!
While not generally recommended for measuring weapons, you can hit a fabric or craft store and pick up a tailor's measure (the loose tapes.) Try not to stretch it. I find just laying it along the side of the weapon all the way from tip to tip, turning as needed when finished gives you a good idea of the length.

Bows are tricksy. You'll want to cut a little shorter than you normally would on the core because you want to pull on the core a little as you are bending it to keep it from crimping. You wouldn't think that would add a lot of length, but you can end up adding like half an inch that way.