Bob the smith

Bob has not been seen in these lands in far too long.
You may wish to try Asyl.
Should I happen to see him, I will pass your message.

Thank you Alana.

I was conscripting him to produce an extreemly high quality shield for me quite some time ago. If he is no longer available then I would be grateful to be pointed I'm the direction of another smith that can assist me.

If you have the recipe, or know exactly what it's called I might be able to do it, I think I could find some time to come out and see if I can learn....I probably wouldn't be able to make it until September though.

Depending on exactly what you want, my brother might be able to assist you in that endeavor. I will bring it up to him if you wish; otherwise, feel free to contact him at your convenience.
I was once fortunate enough to carry a shield that belonged to one of the lords of these lands. It was protected from harm and dispersed all flame that struck it directly. When I inquired Bob informed me that the same was possible with the element of Chaos. I am looking to have one made and to find out what is needed in acquiring such a defensive tool.
That's quite a formidable enchantment. I would have to agree with Shar: the forge his brother uses shouldbe optimal for something of that caliber.
I still have much to learn when it comes to black smithing, Jehyu for example has more skill than I do. That being said if you can acquire the materials I'm willing to try, I have access to some special tools.
If it's possible then I will bring what is needed if I can. If there is someone with the skills and means to make this please let me know what you might need. I am traveling but should arrive in three months time. I can attempt to acquire what's needed, as well as payment for services rendered, in that time.