Lanna Rose
She wasn’t supposed to be here and she knew it. Not that anyone would see her. She was small and really good at hiding. She just wanted to find the plant books again. The pictures and descriptions inside made her dream of an area where she could run and explore. The tunnels and caverns held no more mystery for her.She snuck around a bookshelf and saw a young man sitting at a table with books piled in front of him. She ducked back and steadied her breath. No one was supposed to be here. If anyone found her she would be in so much trouble. She turned back and pulled a book from the shelf to look through. The man was a Null. She hadn’t really had much experience with them as her tribe didn’t really mingle much. She watched him as he sat there reading.
She watched him for a minute, he seemed so intent on what he was reading. Suddenly the man looked up, right at where she was hidden. Her heart leapt into her throat as she slid the book back in place. He was younger than she first thought. Maybe only three or five years older than she was. He tilted his head to the side and smiled.
“You shouldn't be in here you know.” His voice was soft and didn’t echo at all in the big library. She didn’t move at all, just continued to stare at him through the books. “It’s alright. I wont say anything. It would be nice to have someone to talk to.”
She blinked and slowly came out from behind the shelf. He waited there looking at her. She wasn’t sure but there was something about him that seemed different.
“How come you’re in here? The Collegium doesn't share their books with anyone. Trust me I’ve tried.” She walked to the table he was at and stood with it between them. He was much younger than she had thought. Maybe the same age as she was.
“I live here. I’ve never seen you in here before though.” He set his book down and looked at her. “Why are you in here, especially so late?”
“I like to read the books on plants. It’s the only time I can get to myself. My sister doesn’t leave me be. So I come here at night to read them.” She smiled wistfully thinking about what it would be like to actually see a tree.
“You’re from the Jade Pact right? Do you have your tattoo yet?” His voice was curious with a hint of excitement.
She blinked at him, her hand reaching down for her dagger. “What do you know about the Jade Pact?”
“Only what most people do. Your ancestors made a deal with the Primal Fey and your people serve them in a sense. Your tattoos are a sort of status within your tribe.” He knew more than most did. She pulled her hand away from the dagger.
“That’s true. No, I do not have my tattoos yet. I’m not old enough. I’m only fifteen right now.” She pulled out a chair and sat down. She reached into her bag and pulled out two cups, a waterskin, and a wrapped bundle. “Have you eaten? I have some snacks with me.”
He sat there quietly as she pulled everything from her bag. She poured a sweet smelling drink into the two cups that steamed slightly. “What is that?” He watched her curiously as if he had never seen someone pour tea before. There was no way that was possible. He couldn’t be younger than her.
She paused and looked at him. “It’s tea and cookies. Would you like some? I always have two cups because I keep breaking them while I’m out.” She pushed the cup towards him and unwrapped the cookies to offer him.
“Thank you. My name is Viltis. What is yours?” He took a sip of the tea and sighed softly. “Oh this is nice.”
She smirked. “My name is Kymisha. Try the cookies, they’re even better.”