Bouncing Logistics E-mails


I have had e-mails from Mike V, players and other Chapters saying that e-mails to HQ Logistics are bouncing. I've received every e-mail from the ones who say they got this message. Oddly, my e-mail shows that currently I am only using 2% of my capacity. This is either a problem with G-mail or a problem with the forwarding used by HQ. I've made Mike V aware and I'm sure he is looking into it.

Has anyone else with G-mail had this problem recently?
i haven't had a problem with gmail but i was wondering if you got the e-mail i sent you a week ago today.
I don't think the routing system Mike uses likes gmail at all. Lots of the plot stuff has been getting lost over the months as well.
Maybe it would be best to make gmail addresses for everyone on staff.

I have my emails routed to my gmail and it works great.

I had this happen to me. I sent you an email, you replied, than 2 days later I got a message that email you had already apllied to 'bounced' because your box was full.

Since you had already replied, I didn't bother you about it. Until now...
the HQ fwds and thier inability to function consistantly baffles me (as the internet is my business) and i would love to know what e-mail routing system mike is using and if there is a way to repair it once and for all. I own tons of domains and I never have this much trouble.
my bet is on Anti virus Software
I had a few problems with my norton upgrade recently

check your spam folder also
if the e-mails are being flaged as spam and your spam folder is full they could bounce that way and it might flag the folder full (spam folder full )

I have our web host looking into this now.

When you send things to <committee> it gets forwarded to whatever address the committee chair wants. Apparently what is happening is that it also stores the email instead of deleting it, so the mailbox at alliancelarp is getting full.

He's checking to see if it can automatically delete the messages once forwarded. If not, yeah, we may just get gmail addresses for everyone.
normaly there isa setting "delete after X Days" so you can set it to delete all mail after so many days
if you dont want to keep it at all you can set it to 1 day and possibly 0 days (if you even have this option)

Hope this is of some help

Duke Frost said:
Maybe it would be best to make gmail addresses for everyone on staff.

I have my emails routed to my gmail and it works great.


Logistics e-mails get forwarded to my G-mail. I just haven't gotten to clear my box since early last week. I should be remedying this tonight. AFAIK I have received all e-mails that were listed as "full inbox".