For folks wanting to make their own bows, but who don't want to mess with shaping hot PVC.
As I understand it the 'normal' way of making a bow is to use a heat source, like a heat gun, an oven, or a pencil torch, to heat the PVC until it's soft, bend it into shape, and let it cool while holding it in the shape you desire. You can make very complex recurve bow shapes this way.
However, I know from experience that you can bend a piece of PVC by the following method. Get a piece of PVC a few inches longer than you want your bow to be. Cut a notch into the PVC close to each end. Tie off a string to one end, then bend the bow until it's a little more curved than you would like to it be when it's finished. Tie the string off at the other notch, stick it in a closet, and leave it for a month. When you take it out it should have taken the curve, and you'll have a very evenly curved piece of PVC. Cut the notches off the end, add foam and tape, and go shoot people.