"Then it is my duty to inform you, that Thistle, having spoken with Magnus, acting Sheriff in your absence, attempted to cast Paralysis on Sevil the Bard for her and Magnus' entertainment. Sevil Dodged the cast and ran, understandably, but both Thistle and Magnus were complicit in this act."
Folding the note carefully and placing it back on his desk, Isawda rubbed his forehead with a tired hand. Apparently all had not gone a smoothly as he had hoped during his absence. He had yet to hear any details of the Festival itself, but it appeared that a senior member of the Earth Circle and a Deputy may have been guilty of attempted assault. The law was quite clear that an unwanted spell was as much an attack as was the force of a weapon. Surely both must have been aware of that basic right of any person in the town.
With a sigh, he reached for more paper and began to compose two notes. One to the Fatespinner that she be aware of a matter that reflected on a member of the Circle. The other to the Magistrate, who's approval was part of any being offered the office of Deputy, and would certainly be involved if any damage was being done to the reputation of that office.
Folding the note carefully and placing it back on his desk, Isawda rubbed his forehead with a tired hand. Apparently all had not gone a smoothly as he had hoped during his absence. He had yet to hear any details of the Festival itself, but it appeared that a senior member of the Earth Circle and a Deputy may have been guilty of attempted assault. The law was quite clear that an unwanted spell was as much an attack as was the force of a weapon. Surely both must have been aware of that basic right of any person in the town.
With a sigh, he reached for more paper and began to compose two notes. One to the Fatespinner that she be aware of a matter that reflected on a member of the Circle. The other to the Magistrate, who's approval was part of any being offered the office of Deputy, and would certainly be involved if any damage was being done to the reputation of that office.