Breaching the law?

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"Then it is my duty to inform you, that Thistle, having spoken with Magnus, acting Sheriff in your absence, attempted to cast Paralysis on Sevil the Bard for her and Magnus' entertainment. Sevil Dodged the cast and ran, understandably, but both Thistle and Magnus were complicit in this act."

Folding the note carefully and placing it back on his desk, Isawda rubbed his forehead with a tired hand. Apparently all had not gone a smoothly as he had hoped during his absence. He had yet to hear any details of the Festival itself, but it appeared that a senior member of the Earth Circle and a Deputy may have been guilty of attempted assault. The law was quite clear that an unwanted spell was as much an attack as was the force of a weapon. Surely both must have been aware of that basic right of any person in the town.

With a sigh, he reached for more paper and began to compose two notes. One to the Fatespinner that she be aware of a matter that reflected on a member of the Circle. The other to the Magistrate, who's approval was part of any being offered the office of Deputy, and would certainly be involved if any damage was being done to the reputation of that office.
Taking a deep breath Tengu takes a few minutes to collect his thoughts up the road from Master Isawda's residence knowing that this would not likely be an easy conversation. The thought that one could be so rudely assaulted when relaxing by the fire, and during the peace called during the Festival of Crows nonetheless, was appalling; having seen one intent on removing the free will of an individual for entertainment had left a foul taste in his mouth.

Patiently he waits, having asked Sevil to meet him here.
Sevil stumbles through the trees looking to keep his footing and for Tengu. He had received the summons from the biata about an assault on his person and was told to meet him near Isawda's home.
"I guess birds of a feather do flock together" he jokes to himself approaching the house.
"Greetings Sevil", Tengu calls as the Bard as he approaches.

He was an odd human, to be sure, but likable in his way. It felt an age since he had met the Bard in the forest during the winter months, Sevil having been the one who had told him of the Breach. Much had changed in the months since then; this being the first time he had spent a prolonged time in such a large town had drastically altered his perspectives and though much had changed in his life Parson's Breach was now his home, for better or for worse.

"I must say I was most impressed by your showing in the Festival, especially considering how intoxicated you were for most of it. To fight as you did in the Champions contest was most impressive! Are you feeling up to this today? You look as if you would like nothing better than a bed and no interruptions. A pipe before we go in?" he says, offering Sevil his bag of tobacco.
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Sevil lifts and eyebrow at the prospect. "i dont see why not" He plopped down beside Tengu and pulled out his flask for a quick swig. "Bed is the least of my worries now friend" Sevil smiled at the Biata. "Used to be i could bed were i wished, now it seems as my renown gains weight so lessens safe places to sleep."
Tengu and Sevil chatted about various events at the Festival, enjoying the shade's respite from the summer heat.

Seeing the last whisps of smoke float from his pipe Tengu taps the dottle from the bowl and carefully packs his pipe away.

"Well, I suppose we must go speak to the Sheriff," he says to Sevil.

Pulling themselves to their feet, both Tengu and Sevil close the remaining distance to Isawda's residence. Taking a deep breath Tengu knocks on the door.
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