Or maybe Cat scavengers would come before the Biata... you know what they say about kitties...
The taste like chinese food?
Marcena said:
Wait....cat scavengers? Didn't we already have a thread about that?

My SARR will eat the first cat scavenger she meets - and so not in a good way. :twisted:
The real question is... why would you brake for gypsies...

shouldn't it be "I aim for gypsies"?
There would be an NPC one for goblins "I break for shinies."
"I killed a PC and all I got was this stupid bumper sticker"?

hooray OOTS!
tieran said:
The real question is... why would you brake for gypsies...

shouldn't it be "I aim for gypsies"?
I dunno, I think that would be a copyright infringement on Borat.
Biata's: They don't need your stinking Spice.
well jeepers...i had no idea i'd start a bunch of racist funnies!! but you guys are cracking me up. I gotta tell my hubby about Biata: the other white meat.....he has a pipe for his gypsy character that i bought at an atique store that is made from a chicken's claw/paw/leg? so its a claw that holds the pipe bowl. he uses it in game and it is the hand of an old biata that didn't pay his debt. aparently we didn't bother cursing him...we just cut off his hand/claw/thingy
Come to Ohio and tell that story...

I dare ya' ;-)