By Order Of The Crown

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Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
*An announcement is posted in the Tavern of Geistbadden and in the surrounding areas*

By Order of the Crown the Baron of Geistbadden is called to Nava for a report upon the local events before the King and the Sejm. Her Grace, the Duchess Maebh nic Siobhann, is ordered to submit herself to oversee the gathering of adventurers in Geistbadden and the surrounding land while the Baron is indisposed.

The people of Geistbadden, resident and visitor, are requested to afford all due respect and orderly nature while under her Grace's care. The laws and their proper order shall not be disturbed by this command, as His Royal Highness has dispatched the King's Justice to the embattled lands.

So it is named, so it shall be.

Long live the King! Long live Islan Tel'Nava!
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