C@$H MONEY! (What do you want to do with your gold)

So here's something our plot team has been talking about but isn't able to figure out. So everyone gets gold every weekend, what do you plan on doing with it? It doesn't seem like people are utilizing the merchants guild very much (are they too expensive?) What are you personally saving your gold up for? I know some people are saving to buy stuff from Daver, which is awesome, I love having PC merchants. We're just looking at ways to recover coin and looking for suggestions.

Im just gonna throw out some suggestions of what I would want to buy with goldz:

1.) Ritual Scrolls
2.) Catalysts
3.) Components
4.) All of the Alchemy gasses forever?

I know that magic items can be purchased from Casan through the Merchant Guild but there arent really any known prices. Maybe, there can be a list of costs of magic items similar to the LCO magic item purchase policy?

What about the costs for Rituals to be cast for someone else? As in: Idris wants to get his dagger spirit locked to himself so he doesnt lose it anymore and become a MWE.... again......, how much would that cost?

Here are some other thoughts for things to spend goldz on:

1.) Information (thank you Doug for giving us the creepy Goblin information guy)
2.) Travel (or specific location codes) via Waymaker Stones
3.) Winning at South Michigan Alliance

I dont know, im just throwing stuff out there now! Someone else put some ideas up here!!!

I second John's comment about winning Alliance SoMI. :)

About the only thing I don't agree with 100% is casting rituals for the PCs. There's plenty of players who would love nothing more than to cast rituals for other people. Now if that player can't find anyone in town to do it at all, or if they want to reduce the chance of failure or some such then yeah I'd think it could be ok to have some NPC casters take care of a ritual for a bunch of coin.

Here are some ideas that could be cool:

I would buy LCO rit scrolls, and components not to make items but to fuel rituals to help the town or spellcraft stuff for a mod. Any way to make my build a bit more useful for the town using formal is a bit more fun for ritualists and they would prolly spend coin on it. I'm not suggesting every time the town needs a ritual that it be sold to us but from time to time it could be cool.

Information is always something I would spend a few coins on. Especially information on how to kill the bad guy and win Alliance. LOL

NPCs that need/want money for training... heck from an RP perspective I'd pay to chat with a dragon mage about formal magic or some such. I'm sure some of the fighters would love to pay for a training session from some renowned warrior to give them a tip or two... Heck some of the npcs are good enough fighters you could prolly actually teach some of us how to fight/cast better while RPing it IG as some virtuoso of the blade/spell. It wouldn't be for everyone but I'm not so sure of myself that I couldn't use a few tips on what I actually do wrong in a fight and you (plot) are the best positioned to tell me how to improve since you kick my butt every time we play. I don't think everyone would be in for it.... but I think you would be surprised how many folks would part with a few IG coins to improve their OOG fighting skills.

To be serious... I really really would love to be able to buy or maybe earn some cool stuff/plot/whatnot through making IG money and spending it wisely.

Intangible rewards would be fun too. I know I and others who have spent money on buying food, potions, scrolls, and other things which were then turned over to plot as an IG donation to the war effort and not felt the impact directly. I think its most likely a perception issue and there's been plenty of impact but I've not felt it so didn't feel as rewarded for doing it. I of course wasn't looking for a direct reward but more of an intangible thing. At the end of the day, some of the players would prolly rather feel rewarded through intangible rewards than actual MIs, scrolls, etc.

There's chapters that have commerce systems that help with the flow of coin in and out of chapter/players hands. I think some of the PCs would love that idea... buy a few cows, a merchant caravan, or something like that and have a chance to make a bit of coin back.

Of course, if your scratching for coin, send out an NPC with a scroll or much needed Catalyst to auction off. I've seen certain scrolls go for 300+gold in other chapters and I see no reason why you couldn't bring some coin back to your coffers once or twice a season.

Let Matt Byers play Goblingy two or three times and get hundreds of copper back.

I'd love to buy a castle...Can I have one of those? :p

Sorry I've been spotty this season, I haven't had an overwhelming amount of cash or time to make all the events. I will try to be there for the closer and will most likely buy some potions from the guild, and from Bob to hand out to all the healers. Healers having more healing/protections is always a plus. Also can I have a quote on 100 5/ever terminates and a 50 gallon drum of hummus? They're for Ezra! There first is for my plan the second is for Casan's. :)J/K

I haven't played here specifically. But from my experience it seems like I've observed that many people's ultimate end game treasure wishes are basically magic items. Players will often stockpile gold to be able to bid against each other for buying out comps/scrolls/MI's that they want. But that coin never really goes back to NPC's or "the game".

An idea that I have bounced around my head is that It might be possible to get a noticeable amount of coin back if you established an NPC "ritual library" of scrolls that only create LCO rits. (If it was combined with treasure policy generated stuff would make the combined item LCO.) If the prices were right I could see especially the regular chapter players saving their coin to basically turn back to the game/NPC camp for scrolls to try and create items they want. You might be able to also sell LCO sticks and LCO catalysts to work with these scrolls too, although I don't know about the details on that. Basically allow players who want to spend their coin this way to go through a process of buying and building items (as well as getting rit casters to make them).

And auctions for the right items/catalysts can definitely bring back coin. However of course it is always hard to balance what is putting out too much in the way of MI's just for coin, or just because that's what players want.

Just ideas.
What about implementing a sort of an in-game bank? For example, PCs could "deposit" their gold with Casan, as the local representative of the merchant's guild. When they deposit the coin, they give it to Casan, then it goes back to monster camp. The PC then has credit with the guild that can be used on merchant's guild purchases. Perhaps they get some advantage for depositing their coin in this way. For example, if they deposit 10 gold, they can use it for 12 gold of "store credit." And maybe there is a penalty of some kind for pulling out the coin to prevent a run on the bank. For example, if they deposit 10 gold and want to pull it out in coin later, they only get 9 back. Who knows. The idea is to provide an in-game mechanism to collect the physical coin, while allowing the PCs to still hoard the value of the coin (something that seeks to be all the rage currently, and frankly has been since I have started playing the game).

Just a thought.


When you are done serving as our Plot slave I will consider allowing you to acquire a battering ram, you must however phys rep it first (it must be big enough for 6 people to use). Also, Gandalf_the_Pwn, seriously? Weak sauce sir, super weak sauce. However Jorsh and I still love you in a strictly non-prison movie sort of way. See you all at the event.

An NPC bank isn't a bad idea strictly speaking. It can be tricky when/if players go out of chapter because that is when having the physical coin does matter. However I'm sure there would some folks who would take an interest in it. Because it would at least make the money more "safe" in a strictly utilitarian way.
You raise a good point about players going out of chapter. If you think about it, this would likely come into play most when out of chapter players come here on an infrequent basis. They will obviously want to take the gold home to spend if you don't give them something to spend it on before they leave. The bank concept just won't work for them, and unfortunately an LCO ritual library won't either. You might just have to think of gold going to these players as unrecoverable, and hope that you can recover some of it by making things available to sell that will travel.

But it also comes into play for local players that travel a lot and want to take gold with them when they go. That said, if they play most in SoMI, they still might be willing to deposit at least some of their coin to get whatever advantages they can locally, or even to make it safe as David suggests (good point on another character advantage for their willingness to deposit the gold). You could try to get them to deposit the rest as well by making any disadvantage of withdrawal not apply when they are traveling. So if I was heading out to another chapter, I would ask for my character sheet, and at the same time ask to withdraw 10 gold or whatever. Instead of getting back 9 like I would during a normal event, I get back all 10. The advantage for plot is that they get to use the gold in the mean time to entertain people, but the challenge is to make sure there is enough gold on hand to allow whoever wants to make a withdrawal the opportunity to do so.

Another thought would be to solicit cash donations (benjamins, dough, bread, duckets, green, bizzilz, etc.) to simply buy more coin. If you give a decent enough reward in term of goblins or plot attention or whatever, I imagine people would be willing to kick in. This would probably be the easiest approach.

Again, just thoughts.

guys, i've decided i'm going to donate my 20 gold i got from pcing. i forgot about it untill after that battering ram post. i still plan on npcing for a while, so i really don't mind giving it to you. 20 more gold should help tide the game over till next year, or at least it will be 20 gold better then what would have been.

-Elliot ;)