Ailisi Suli

Hi! (again!)
This year we’re going to be doing cabin assignments! I’ll be managing those, and here’s how this is going this year.
Attached is a map of the available cabins. I will be updating the numbers with cabin names before the event, but the numbers will remain. The map is NOT to scale.
We have 5 cabins available in this camp. They sleep 8 people. I am reserving these for groups first. You may not get the same cabin every event, but I will try to keep your group in the same cabin where I can. With groups, it will be first come first serve.
After that, beds will be filled where needed.
We have 2 cabins available here, and each sleep 4 people. The third cabin(in blue) is reserved for new players.
This is the Tavern, and is reserved for Medical needs ONLY. (Kitchen Staff may still sleep in the kitchen as needed.)
To reserve a cabin, please email by Sunday, April 21st at midnight. Please include player names, and what cabin you’d like to reserve. I’ll email you that I received it. If you do NOT email this in, you will NOT have a cabin, and will be assigned to a cabin on check-in.
When you get to site, see Vicki, or myself, to find out what cabin you, and your group, are in. Do NOT unload your car until you see Vicki or myself. You will be asked to relocate, if you do not check in before unloading and you are in someone else’s building.
If you have any questions, shoot me a message here, on Discord, or at the email!!
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