Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo 2013

Once again we have a booth at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo to promote our lovely little LARP. We are looking for volunteers to work the booth during the weekend. I will be scheduling 2-4 hour shifts for those interested, this will keep the booth less crowded as well as give our volunteers time to rest and check out the rest of the con. We have a limited number of passes, which will have to be shared. So those of you that can afford to get your own passes, either for the day or the weekend, it would be appreciated if you could do that. Cory has passes available at Myth for sale (get yours quick before they are sold out!).

Please head over to the Facebook page and select your availability on the poll there. Or reply to this thread if you are not on Facebook. There will be the sign up sheet at the next events as well.

The cut off for letting me know your interest and availability is April 15th, after that I will be finalizing the schedule and will let everyone know by the 23rd what their shifts are. Message me or email me at cs AT alliancealberta DOT ca if you have questions. :) Thanks everyone!