Call for Naval Assistance


I have no heard from my friends of their travel plan, so I stick out my thumb now to catch your ship.

Phedre, always.


Feel free to feed them my share. And then some. We'll need it...I'll make sure to get extra food at the next port.

Welcome aboard Morganne. I'll be glad to have you fighting beside us.

dreadpiratebill said:
To all the good peoples and Kingdoms of Fortanis,

A grave threat to hundreds of thousands of lives has been discovered in the Deadlands of Larethan. I ask any ship Captain or any goverment which would see these people saved to please contact me for the details. We are in need of fast ships and sturdy crews who are willing to come to the common defence of thousands who were cut off and fighting a desparate battle to survive for years.

I urge anyone who can help to contact me in private.

Everywere and always in service,
Lord Amaranthus Landcharmer
Lord of Stoneroost, Kingdom of Eire

Lord Amaranthus

Many a voice has cried out to the Nobles of the Kingdom of Valdanis and we can not turn a deaf ear to the many in need. By the command of the King of Valdanis we shall answer your call for aid. The Royal Valdanian Navy is sending her Second Fleet to aid in your cause. Our 43 vessels and thier crews shall lay down thier lives if need be in your defense. We shall also be escorting to your waters supply ships from the Kingdom of Salamis, which has also heard and answered your call. We both hope to bring a glimmer of hope, into your darkest hour.

Look to the western horizon for red flags bearing the Golden Phoenix. This is the Crest of our Kingdom and your ally of the Sea.

Duke Sentiel Saint Corbell, Grand Admiral of Royal Valdanian Navy
Your excellency,

With your blessing members of my family and I will board the RVN Lifestorm for the journey and bring critical supplies to the battlefront from our own stores. I will also be taking any additional adventurers, supplies, weapons, and foodstuffs, that anyone can muster quickly enough.

In this capacity,I will continue to act, on board, as my commision requires an officer of your navy.

We will bring our sailors home and bring honor the lives of the Brave Men and Women of Their Majesties Navy.


Lt Jehan Wyldweaver
Royal Valdanian Naval Reserve