Call for NPCs for August 9th - 11th Weekender


Repeating because it's important: We are grateful that so many of you are PCing at our upcoming weekend event, it makes us feel loved and we're really trying to go the extra mile to make this event awesome for all of you.
However, we are missing a key component of that effort-to-awesome conversion: NPCs! Several of our NPCs are not going to be there on Friday night, and RL health issues (of a non-dire nature) may keep one or more writers out of combat this weekend, so we really, really need the help. If you can find us anybody who can help - any friends who want to give it a try, any old players who want to see what's up in Twinspire these days, any shambling undead hordes we can keep from devouring the PCs long enough to swing a boffer weapon - we can really use the help!