Call out for NPCs


Hey guys,

If there is anyone who is planning on NPCing in July, could you leave a post here? We have some roles we want to setup ahead of time.

I will be NPCing the full event! :-D I'm pumped and up for anything
I will most likely be NPCing in July. I will let you know for sure when I know for sure. Current sureity level is at 90%.

pretty sure i will be NPCing this one, but due to up in the air financial stuff I'm not 100%, but i made a promise to bring my brother so i intend to keep it.
i will be npcing, Im coming up from Syracuse and wont be there until late friday.
Also definitely NPCing.
Ill be NPCing the low level and would happy to help in any way
since all the cool kids seem to be doing it, count me in too, but only if there's pie.

I can provide said pie if need be; just sayin', there needs to be pie.
I will be working to kill.. ahem... entertain pcs.

the dark side is strong for this event. I sense some awful-ness/awesome-ness coming up
yes, i sense it too, looking at this list is making me more excited for the event
Yeah, I can't wait... I love NPCing and have not done it in ages. I also love pie, so I agree there infact does need to be pie. :-D
yeah mike and i will be NPCing full time in switchy the costumes..less stuff to pack...
I'm like 80% sure I'll be bringing a new player or two to NPC the low level. Both girls. *goes back to plotting female Alliance domination...*

And is NPCing still really the "dark side" with so many dark elf PCs playing? ;)
I'll be NPCing the whole event for the first time, after my almost two years of PCing. :)
I'm NPC-ing, as per usual.
Well I was going to NPC but now that I know Bill is going to be there I probably wont show up at all.


I hate you Bill.