Calling all gypsies!


Hey everybody! May 4 - 7, 2012, is the season closer for Oregon and we have had a lot of different gypsies attend here and there, once or twice, and on occasion. A couple of us gypsy playing folks were thinking, wouldn't it be great if we managed to get all the gypsies that have played in the past year and a half to all make it to the season closer? By our count there would be about 17 of us. And since the event is planning to be at Camp Sheppard we could all pile into the same cabin without much concern of overflow. :D

So, pass the word! Prod your friends! Bug all the gypsies you can to make it!

So far, I know the following folks are planning on making it to the May 4 - 7 event:

Seth - Vishkin
Barb - Prashka
Tony - Raganzi
Jeremy - Vavarick
Jamie? - Yames (not quite gypsy, but close enough)

Lets see if we can get the following folks:

Jordan F. - Ezreal
Jordan M. - ???
Andrea - Nyoka
Lauryn - Sylphia
Roy - Itzack
Emily - Porter
??? - Ivan? Yan? I'll think of another name for you when you return. Perhaps Sven.
Crystal - Rose
Amber - Yasmay
Jocelyn - Yenu
Rin - ???
Helen - ???
Red Jon - Fero

That would be a lot of gypsies! ;)
I submit: Dmitri. Perhaps Fyodor?
Red Jon's character Fero should also be on the list of Possible Gypsy attendees. We will poke him about it when we see him next.

IG: Telith (not a gypsy)
Add Daniel M. - Ian (yes, it's pronounced "Yan") to the list of "Pretty much for sure" folks.

I've only missed one game and you guys are writing me off like a lost brother. Tsk, tsk.