


I've never been to the (new for me) Faire Play site. I saw in an old thread from 2014 that there is one campfire on site? Is this still true? Whereabouts on the site is it located? (I'm getting my spy on using Google satellites...) Is it near the cabins, for cooking convenience, or is it somewhat far off?

Is deadfall wood plentiful on site, or do we need to bring fuel wood? If it's gatherable, are chopping tools permitted to process it, assuming we use common sense safe practices? (BSA style axe-yard rules, if necessary.)

Can anyone tell that I sometimes overthink things?
Hey there yes there is a camp fire on site. We ask that you clear starting a fire with the GM or site manager as it effects where we can do combat and safety etc. There is some wood already stacked but with our 48acres we have a ton of deadfall.

The campfire is located near the cabins at the base of the gravel hill.

The fire has been used for cooking In the past.