can't wait


I am just way to excited for the next event, and I hope you all are as well. I guess that's all I wanted to say, socially acceptable or not i know I'll have a blast.
I am always way excited for the next event. Especially in SoMI. The events are great and the last one was one of the most intense I have had in all my days of NERO. So I am fiending to get back to adventuring!

I cant wait to get back to it either. Now that I have gotten a taste for it again. The last event as an npc was great. Now I can't wait to pc again. Two months is to long. I guess I will just have to do some fighter practice with my bro in the mean time to sharpen my skills up again.
There's always Chicago... first weekend of June... :)

quit with the shameless plugs. :p

Other Rob,

Sorry I missed you and Brian last weekend I'll do my best to make it out for the next smack fest and ill snag Thomas and drag him If I can.
