Castle Day Attendees

Jesse Grabowski

Remember that space is limited.
So Far:

1. Mike Messmer
2. Chris Glascock
3. Mike Paxton
4. Noland Gregory
5. Rose Gregory
6. Jerilyn Winstead
7. Seth Peck
8. Boby Chapin
9. Mary Francis Chapin
10. Shane Proctor
11. Mac McCammon
12. Briannon Roberts
13. Jack Reed
14. Leora Wambach
15. Josh Lee
16. Matt Wallenburg
17. Brendon Woolridge
18. Kody Ramsaur
19. Dia
20. Casey Yeager
21. John Siadak
22. Mark Rybus
23. Zach Rossiter
24. John Avery
25. Mandi
26. Spencer Winter
27. Christian Wooley
28. Liz Newslice
29. Joseph Smith
30. Ray Bruels III
31. Jim Galford
32. Cassie Cornett
33. Gabrielle Piper

Jesse Grabowski
Angel Woodward
Ian Moriarty
Derek Reed
Nissa Osheim
Diana Loya
Jennifer Beach
Miguel Alejandro
Jeff Loats
lil Loats
Josh Alexander
John Johnson
Brian Lambert
Nick Burden
Last edited:
I'm in as a PC!
Hey folks,

I sincerely hope that many of you assumed the deadline is NEXT Sunday, like normally, and that you just haven't paid up yet... in fact, the deadline was two days ago because I have to pay the caterer in advance. Please pay ASAP if you are planning on going!

When I asked everyone at our last closing ceremonies, who would be in if the cost was close to $100, 99% of you raised your hands. I even got it down to $85 for us. I understand things happen, but 19 PCs is far off from the 65 that I was counting on to pay the bills for this. The caterer and the event hall have both called me today asking about final numbers and I have to tell them 25 instead of 75. Please let me know if you just totally whiffed and forgot to sign up, or if you are NPCing, but also forgot that this event requires payment... but I need to know immediately or else mod day might get cancelled as well because we will not have the funds to pay for the site if we have to eat close to $3000 for this loss. Pretty Please reconsider attending!

I sincerely love the idea of a Castle Day event... Personally, I also love a long break over the winter between seasons. I thought I was voting for maybe a summertime castle event, with lots of forewarning in the story, and national attendance, and honestly -- free for volunteers, as is the expectation for Alliance events. That may be my poor listening skills while tired on Sunday after an event when this was initially mentioned, though!

For consideration of future special events, I think that a written survey posted on the Internet, with some dates posted for vote, and at least some detail about fees would be helpful for everyone in consideration to make a more informed vote about realistic attendance.

Hey there community - we're fewer than anticipated in attendance so far so I signed up for 3 people, myself and plus 2. If you wanted to go but didn't have the dough, please let me know and I'll confirm you as one or two of my plus 2's. I'll probably go with a first come, first served on these 2 spots so please connect soon. Thanks. - Jenn
Hey there community - we're fewer than anticipated in attendance so far so I signed up for 3 people, myself and plus 2. If you wanted to go but didn't have the dough, please let me know and I'll confirm you as one or two of my plus 2's. I'll probably go with a first come, first served on these 2 spots so please connect soon. Thanks. - Jenn

I'm in this! I don't have money for it, but I really wanted to attend. If you don't mind that would seriously be the coolest, I had some household troubles pop up over the winter making it so I couldn't afford this event, but I would LOOOOVE to bring Puck!
Hey Kix - Puck is in! If you can help spread the word to any and all - this is going to be a super-duper-uber-cool event and will be worth every penny spent. Please reach out on all those thing-y's they call social media and let others know we have room and a full schedule of small mods, great roleplay, and all in and around a CASTLE!!!

I still have one more plus-1 if anyone is interested. :)
I'm sorry it ended up falling through for you a little Jessie :( I hope it ends up coming together better over the next couple days.
I'm really excited. Thanks for putting the effort in to making this happen.
I added Casey and John to Jen's offer since it seems as though they commented right away. I am going to go on a limb here and ask if anyone would like to owe me the money down the line....
If you would like to attend but cannot because funds are super low right now, I am going to allow you to owe me at a later point in the year. If this speaks to you, please shoot me an email at and let me know that you would like to take me up on this offer.
Fodder, I don;t see your payment yet! Please get that in ASAP as I have to get final numbers in to my caterer!!!!