Castle Day - Costuming and Role-play Kudos


Hey everyone!

In a previous LARP every event was followed by a ballot where you could vote for things like "best costume," "best humor," "best role-playing," "best fighting," etc.

So I thought I might start a thread where we can call out our friends for their amazing work. I'm especially thinking of costuming and role-playing, but if you want to compliment someone on something else... please do!
Vincent played the ghostly tour-guide (who was afraid of ghosts) and had an AMAZING costume. I was just stunned by the detail and consistency.
I wasn't at the event. From the photos, I wish I'd been able to see Spencer Winter's longcoat in person with the gorgeous heraldry on the tails! That looks like a super piece!

The role-play w Baron Nordheim, Baron Morningtide, and Sir Jared in the side room.... the feels.... and then the nobles comments added in immediately after. Good times.

The open q & a with Sir Jared.... I felt like I got sent to the principals' office... all of you. Lol

Ian and our role-play as Lord Coldstone and Sir Jared.... even though no one was listening... lol.
Can I just say:


Also, the RP shenanigans with Lumi and Melly were fantastic (pranks included), and getting to interact on a more personal level with Terren, even if only briefly, was utterly fantastic. :)

Costuming props go ALL the way to Vincent because holy ****, soooo shiny.

I also thought Puck's racial makeup looked particularly fantastic this game. :)
I definitely have to give it up to Vincent for the costuming, it was sooo perfect!

I'd like to also give a shout out to the new players for staying so in character the entire event! Their roleplay was wonderful.

Spencer helping me out with make up for a game was a wonderful treat and I'm going to have to work on doing it more like that myself for future games.
Everybody looked lovely, as usual, but Vincent's ghostly seneschal (Vituvious?) quite stood out. And this RP was splendid. He gave excellent tours of the castle and completely snared Gillian and Briar with the murder mystery.

I'd also like to give a big thank you to everybody who had hand in putting the event together. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Vincent's costume was exceptional, and he always knows how to bring a character to life. As for our "private" chat, between Sir Jared and Coldstone, I caught a few eavesdroppers in the doorpane reflection. :D
Vincent's costume was amazing!! Really, really well done.

I also thoroughly enjoyed interacting with Alis and Melly. We got up to some shenanignas.

I had a great moment while Vincent's NPC and someone else were talking to Gillian, whose back was to the alcove, it was some kind of ghost story and I had to thrill of being behind her, blowing her hair a little and saying "Boo" in her ear. Scared the daylights out of her it was great.

The castle was soooo awesome. We went up to the top little tower area and while I was not as brave as my companions to look directly down I did enjoy the view, even with the windy staircase.

Thanks to Hannah for volunteering to take pictures <3

Gillian and Lumi had a really great banter going on, but it has to wait to be FOIG, I have *got* to see faces when it comes up.