Ryan S

Pre-regs are due by Saturday, October 12th at 11:59 PM.

The event for PCs will cost $60 ($75 without pre-registration) and NPCs $15 ($25 without pre-registration). This cost to NPCs covers food for the weekend and the per-head costs that we incur.

Players MUST pre-reg with the Google Form in order to receive the discount.

The site opens at 6PM on Friday, October 18th, with logistics opening at 7PM. Game-off will be approximately 10AM on Sunday, October 20th with everyone cleaned up and out by Noon.

This event will take place at the following site:

Parker Scout Reservation
Miller Castle
21930 Paradise Dr N
Nisswa, MN 56468

At the Miller Castle location we have two bunk rooms available for everyone with bunk beds. In addition, there are four rooms on the main level with four beds, private bathrooms, and private showers; and two rooms on the lower level with floor space for mats and private bathrooms (but no showers). The main floor rooms must have four (4) people bunking in them, and the lower level must have at least two (2) people bunking in them. The four upstairs rooms will be available for $120, and the downstairs rooms will be available for $60 These will be assigned on a first-come first-serve basis. In order to claim a cabin, email:

To send in your reservation fee, please send it to:

Our pre-reg form can be found by clicking here. Pre-registration should include needed tags, your production, magic items, and any food allergies.

Once you've filled out that form, then head over to the CMA and preregister for the event by clicking here. Filling this out makes sure you get credited XP for the event.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to logistics at:

You may prepay for the weekend by sending your payment over Paypal to You should use the "Send to a Friend" option when you do this. In the notes include your name, the purpose of your payment, your character name, and the chapter the character is housed in.

Please note if you’re a first time player you should contact us so we can help with your character creation before the event. Send you emails to: and Kayla will help you prepare your character for your first event!

For returning players unfamiliar with the new 2.0 rules, they can be found and reviewed here:

Pre-regs are due by Saturday, October 12th at 11:59 PM. You do not get the discount for registering after this point, but it is still highly encouraged by the logistics staff for you to do so!

  1. Zach Serocki (Elros)
  2. Bryce Koke (Bruisey)
  3. Bryan Laird (Corbell)
  4. Ryan Benike (Cassandra)
  5. Payton Anderson (Arbeld)
  6. Brad Kramer (Zihr)
  7. Vicki Pacillo (Yasuhiro)
  8. Eva Smyth (Daisy) -- Needs to pre-reg in CMA
  9. Patrick Lawrenz (Artemis)
  10. Rob Dautovski (Kitaruen)
  11. Ib Abdelrahman (Rengar)
  12. Reese Lloyd (Palucir)
  13. Kayla Stewart (Locke)
  14. Alissa Halvorson (Lilian)
  15. David Raatz (Iganeous)
  16. Sid Price (Beryl)
  17. Brenda Hawkins (Mint)
  18. Josh Stewart (Zen)
  19. Emma Berg (Agate)
  20. BJ, Brian Halvorson (Ghauld)
  21. Kyle Schmelz (Liam)
  22. Jessica Arensman (Chamomile)
  23. Matthew Muske (DeSylvia)
  24. Nick Porter (Foss Fairfax)
  25. Carly Baehr (Fiona)
  26. Alexander Thompson (Gandian)
  27. Ryan Wessner (Luke)
  28. Graeme Michiel (Graka)
  29. Jonathan McNicholes (Roff)
  30. Emma (Edwina)
  31. Dwayne Baldwin (Shen)
  32. David Glaeser (Durl)
  33. Jack Felt (Faraan)
  34. Kathryn Lund (Auryn)
  35. Daniella Carstens (Isabo) -- Needs to pre-reg in Google Form
  36. Andrea Rye (Gertrude) -- Needs to pre-reg in Google Form
  37. Luke Nestingen (Migs) -- Needs to pre-reg in Google Form
  1. Ryan Schmidt
  2. Jordan Fenty
  3. Matt Machtan
  4. Ryan Codner
  5. William Podulke
  6. Amy Moberg
  7. Joshua Moberg
  8. Anthony Hawkins
  9. JR
  10. Andrew Snyder
  11. Adam Peckron
  12. Anthony Grider
  13. Bryant Stein
  14. Andrea Verhey
  15. Jacob Bryan
  16. Allison Jaques
  17. Lawrence Michalchik
  18. Jeremy Moberg
Upstairs Reservations:
  1. Nick Porter (payment received)
  2. Brad Kramer (payment recieved)
  3. Dani Carstens (payment recieved)
  4. Nyssa (payment received)
Downstairs Reservations:
  1. Ryan Benike (payment recieved)
  2. Bryce Koke (payment recieved)
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The site opens at 7PM on Friday, September 13th, with lay-on as close to 9PM as possible. Game-off will be approximately 10AM on Sunday, September 15th

Shoot, looks like I missed it d:
Do the downstairs ones not have bunks?
The downstairs have 4 bunks if I recall. It's just smaller and no private bathroom/shower.
Do they have the sane amount of beds per room?
I'm pretty sure upstairs has 4 as well, but if you recall, we were able to have a bed setup off in the side. It was crowded, but we had: Josh, you, me, Emma, Kyle, Carly all in one room. So anyone grabbing a top floor can try to squeeze more than 4.
Fyi the CMA link is for the September event and may confuse some folks. Just use the menu to go to the events page and scroll down to the castle event. To prereg via CMA -sure it will be fixed shortly. The forum can be tricky with copy and pasted hyperlinks even when you think it's been updated.
managed to sign up through google but the cma would not accept my e-mail address, will try going through the address given to me earlier and see what happens

David Raatz
Zach cloned himself on the list. I could use two of me. Give me some hints.
Paypaled Jordan today for room and event
Seems like another healer could help the PCs...
Kyle Schmelz (better be playing Liam)
Y'know, a younger me would take this as a challenge and play another character out of spite. I'm taking it as a sign of growth and newfound maturity that that wasn't my immediate reaction this time.
It says my payment wasn't received but I sent it in the same day. It should be in Jordans queue, but I know we had this same issue for the season pass.

I resent as it looks like it wasn't accepted the first time?