What a blast! Music, chess, high fantasy adventuring, and amazing/beautiful people! Here's some of my favorites from NPCing:
-Meeting all the PC's/NPC's that couldn't make it out last event. Meeting the new players. I especially liked fighting against the new archer. His style was just too hilarious. *shoot* *shoot* "Oh shoot here they come" *run like crazy*
-The chess mod, particularly the amazing and organic roleplay that spawned because of the mod. Once the lich king let me (the orphan) go I got to see the PC world a bit thanks to Haley's elf who took me under her wing. Wow, some of those moments were intense! ("Right to the feels!") So sorry Artemis for the soul shatter :/ I've never actually killed someone through chess before. I have a facebook chess tactics group if anybody is brand new and would like to get better. Just hit me up on fb and I'll add you to the group.
-The servants of the elder bronze mod. Alexander is such a boss. Big props to Ryan and Adam for their great RP solutions during that module too. Very convincing and logical, exactly the way I feel you would have to be in order to convince an aujin!
-Playing my PC bard for an hour or so. Anthony convincing/forcing me to bust out my bard during dinner. I brought my guitar because I am basically a junkie and last event I was itching so bad during downtime to play. While I had my PC character all written up (MWE Phoenix) I did not plan to play him at all until next season. Thanks for letting me borrow the MWE make-up and for lighting a fire under my butt to showcase him early! I'm so glad I did.
Playing the remembrance ceremony as Phoenix! When Archimedes came up and asked Phoenix to play I was overly confident IC but a little nervous OOC. I had no idea how many people would be speaking or how long each of them would speak for. Archimedes basically said, "Just use common sense and wing it." It turned out to be a very fun challenge selecting unique themes for each speaker. It was like improvisational movie scoring
I'd love to give it another try with 10-15 more themes (actually prepared) this time now that I know what to expect.
-Waking up Sunday morning with my bed mysteriously full of spell packets.
-Watching Matt run off into the castle screaming bloody murder after being hit with a Spell strike fear from one of the phase pairs.
-Seeing my 16-year old sister Alyssa really find her groove this event. Last time she was a little bit shy and kind of hovered around with me (which was great, she's awesome). But for the castle event there were hours when I thought, "I wonder where she's at? I bet she's having a great time!"
-All of the amazing PC costumes! Especially the deerkin. Incredible costuming and extraordinarily well played the few times I spoke with him.
-My dual against Briar (when I was a bug-creature).
-Playing as the waxy construct. At one point Briar realized my weakness: he'd make a circle with his arms and I would simply "stop seeing him" and target somebody else. I was sure I was beaten for the rest of the fight...until nobody else seemed to catch on! At one point I was surrounded by Socora's rag-tag group of fighters. I got one hit off before they created a circle around me. I decided, "yeah...a circle is a circle" and stood at attention for about 5 seconds while being blasted down to dust.