Castle Favorites


Thanks PCs and NPCs alike- I missed not PCing as its always great to play in a large epic event but super loved helping out behind the scenes. Hope to see you all in the spring either here or in Chicago. Lots and lots of great moments. Just a few off the top of my event addled head.

-Asher guessing the duck in a box
-Ragnaroks sinister Sir Gryphon Potrait
-Playing the Level Dependent Corrupt and watching only like one new player figure it out and then being swarmed by highbies again and again instead of the lowbies.
-PCs circling up on Tal when it was Hive Mind Finish her
-Pinned Nyo screaming for aid and being ignored as I pumped DFMs into him
-RPing as Douglas Dougall the Vanguard on his really bad day
-The Castle as a whole
-Seeing lots of good friends that Ijust do not see enough.

That's all for now- lots more just can not remember more.
In no particular order :

- The Mist Fish Mod, as run in a pit of utter blackness out in the woods. Really effective use of a light prop there.
- The Bounty Box; Really neat concept for an item, hope to see that again!
- The Duke's pep talk
- Getting accidentally rifted into the Shade's lair while paralyzed
- Getting to see a bunch of folks I don't get to play with nearly enough
seeing all of pebbles (and Carrie's) dear old friends
getting to hang with Asura and getting his damn bottle back and carting his GROSS celestial stuff til we got back to him!! brings back the good times
the terror i felt of losing my regen because we all know that means that i will 10%
the terror i felt while looking for Shiny and knowing that oog i looked like a lost child looking for it's mommy, and gutting myself on the cast iron handle of the door in the process
that moment i thought Rob's circle Rezzing NPC had me until Asura came flying around the corner to save me
the long fight was amazing!!!!
feeling lost as freinds couldn't be found or saved
so much passion and emotions were brought out this event
being scared of losing those we love
running into Gandian in the most painful of ways nose is bruised lol (hope you are ok Alexander)
the auction and all the drama that became of it
being the overreacting pebbles as always
hanging out and beating down Ragnarock for his celestial acceptance.

great event, from start to finish, amazing food!! loved the character aspect of the shades!!

sad it's over
Such a pleasure to be there everyone. Favorites I can remember, forgetful as I am.

-Very cool Merrow mod and the fighting the lightning.
-The granting of Mist Fortune and the crowning of prince Baleon.
-Talks with Sir Veran and finding Ragnarok to not always be as final in his decisions as I had assumed.
-Seeing some seriously cool magic items get dropped even if I didn't take any home.
-100 elemental body! Yes I think I'll resist that.
-Talks with Pebbles. One is a poor number for a Barbarian.
-Feeling effective in swinging 10's.
-Im touched. A shatter spirit and a circle rezz in one weekend. Really I'm blushing.
-Holy crap how am I not permed.
-Well at least I have a not too far out plan for a Regen.

My gosh that was an event. I suppose I'm paying tax for not rezzing last year!
The shock of the tavern becoming a battle ground "magically" as someone slid the overhead door open.

Getting to know some newbies better! Thanks Katie and Ben for the help in the kitchen! I might have melted down Katie if you hadn't come to the rescue!

Community effort to get the alarm clock to stop the piercing siren. Thanks, to all who helped! ( btw, the fan was broke- we didn't burn anything major!)

Amazing lasagna by Bird Mama- Socora! And all her additional help in the kitchen!

Man who plays with knives.... thank you

Jemina and Emma! Thank you! You make working the tavern worth it!

NPCs- you were worked hard. You did a great job!!! Glad you are all still vertical.

Best of all- welcoming Bayleon to the tavern!

Finally seeing the castle and all the pcs so excited!
Amazing job by the NPCS and plot. I was genuinely worn out by the constant action once we started the assault.
Many thanks to our kitchen crew and helpers - outstanding job as always.
A few fun moments:
Giving Briar coated bolts before the assault. And marking my wrist the same as his for the use order.
Sending out three groups with three leadership hopefuls and hearing their reports upon returning.
Seeing the Duke give Fiona a red belt.
Fighting the many forms of the Shade. Shattering 3 dragon glass weapons into the true body heart.
Getting to give a battle speech from the ramparts.
Strength and Honor
Seeing human Oliver jump in front of me to block a dfm regen with his shield.
Getting good use out of the dragon bow.
Going into the cave with several weapons, switching throughout the fight, and ending with my friends carrying out all my weapons.
Great RP time with new players and Dave, Rob, and Dan.
Victor: Foss quit fooling around with that Shade and put it down!
Foss; PTD Eviscerate!

The impressive Biata wrist band auction.
Kari gets to paige as proper corrective action for her assaulting a visiting noble as a jest.

This has truly been one of my most favorite events.
Had a lot of fun this event!
Favourites include but are not limited to:
-going berserk and taking so many people down (who knew kip had that kinda rage?)
-Running from the general after being told to check the gate
-Getting and naming the advanced plague, then instantly losing the plague
-having a certain little corrupt pin me all the time (You know who you are)
-Trying to protect new adventurers from a turtle and boars
-All the really awesome NPCs for making the event wonderful
-All the newbies who just flat out did well for such an event