Chainmail Fabric

Anyone know where you can purchase (over net with link) Cloth that looks like Chainmail?
I have seen people have it and its neat and would love to get hold of some!

I haven't really seen anybody wearing that - I'd be curious to see what it looks like.

FYI though it wouldn't get you armor points beyond the in-period and possibly the master crafted points depending on how it looks. Though if you're not worried about points and just want the look this could be awesome.
It's kind of a theatrical thing really; I've seen people wear it at Ren Faires.

IG it would be fabric that looks like chain mail. You would not get credit for wearing armor.
Yeh I know that I was going to use it to phzzie Rep Arcane armor
I saw Dave had some for his Dark Elf Character and though it was neat.

Cant seem to find it on Google

not what you were looking for.. but

have you thought about knitting a tunic? they have larger size knitting frames that aren't to difficult to learn to use. (says the person with one hand that doesn't work quite right) expense there would be finding a good mixed gray yarn, and Enough gray yarn...

A lot of your larger fabric retail store chains do carry it, sometie sin bulk -- aroudn here in Minneosta we find it at a Ben Franklin's or a Jo-Ann Fabrics store.

Good hunting!
Were you talking about my Dark Elf? I assume so. Anyways actually the thing that I wear is not fabric and does actually get me some armor points. I sewed vinyl scales onto a vinyl tabord and it qualifies as light leather (1 point per location). The reason you probably can't find it is that I made mine and I don't know if anyone else does. ;)

I might be willing to make you some though if you were really interested and weren't in any rush... Feel free to send me a PM if you want more details.
I actualy haev seen Chain looking fabric
you see it a lot on the cheap Hollows eve Costumes that make for kids
I found a small ammount of nice silver cloth that kinda looks like it but not fully

I believe you. I was just letting you know what I actually have since you referenced it... ;)