Due to various circumstances outside anyone’s control, we are changing the sleeping arrangements for the April 12-14th event. We will now be sleeping in the main lodge which is the same building as the “tavern” room. This means heated sleeping arrangements as well as electricity. There are 2 large rooms that sleep 20 each (10 bunk beds each room for a total of 40 PC beds). These are spacious rooms with access to the balcony and the outdoors. Please bring sheets, material, etc for privacy or wards plus a NON-DAMAGING way to secure said sheets. The 3M command hooks or similar products would be good for this. NO DUCT TAPE OR TACKS!!! Monster camp will be in the lower level so some doors will be marked at out of game. This means that passing through the door puts your character out of game. We will still be running mods around the whole camp and into the night so please bring warm clothes, gloves, cloaks, etc as it is supposed to get down in to the low 30s at night.
Anyone who has friends who was interested in coming, but thought sleeping in a rustic cabin would be too cold, please let them know of these changes.
Thank you all for being flexible and understanding
Anyone who has friends who was interested in coming, but thought sleeping in a rustic cabin would be too cold, please let them know of these changes.
Thank you all for being flexible and understanding

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