Chapter Policies


Crossroads Staff
Shower Policy- There is one shower available for player use at the Claremont, NH site. It is a propane shower. It's perfectly safe, if used correctly!

No one is allowed to use the shower without having been taught the process by a staff member. PLEASE ASK.

As the shower draws directly from the site owners' supply we ask anyone who intends to use the shower donate $3 at logistics to help cover the cost to them.

Ratio Policy- As of the 2013 season we are instituting a 3 to 1 PC to NPC Ratio

We have been trying to avoid this for some time, but in order to give you the players the best possible experience at our events we simply need more resources to work with. This means more NPCs. In order to facilitate this we have instituted a ratio. For every NPC we have we will have 3 PC slots. This will ensure more mods, bigger battles with lower statted individual NPCs, and more immersive roleplay in and around the town.

In order to get this to work, we will be posting lists of registered NPCs and PCs on our boards that will be updated frequently. We will add new PC slots as we get NPC registrations. If you are going to NPC PLEASE REGISTER. This is very important to ensure the maximum number of PC open slots. The best way to ensure that you get one of the open spots is to Pre-register and Pre-logist. It helps you and us cut down logistics lines and gets you in game faster.

For further enticement, we will be upping our NPC compensation and providing new Paragon Racial and Class templates for purchase. These will be posted shortly. If you have any questions on this policy then please feel free to create a thread and ask.

Epic Death Policy

The purpose of this NH LCO Epic Death Policy is to allow a player to insure a more customized and dramatic death for a character’s permanent demise.

With this policy the Player is allowed to purchase for 500 Gobbies an “Epic Death” for a character of their choosing. The process for enacting this policy and all requirements are listed below. Should a player fail to follow the below requirements the Epic Death may be denied to the player and the Gobbies will be considered used.

Please Note: This policy in NO WAY reverses the permanent death of a character. It is intended solely to enhance the permanent death of said character.


- A Player must purchase the Epic Death for 500 Gobbies.

- The Player’s character must be Home Based in the Alliance NH Chapter

- The Player must have a valid character history submitted to and approved by the plot team one month prior to the use of the Epic Death

- Once activated upon the permanent death of the character, the Player is considered an NPC and must not in any way disclose the pending permanent death of the character to any other players or characters, in-game or out of game.

- The player must not dramatically alter the plot in any way by taking actions the character wouldn’t normally take, or by giving out their belongings, etc. For all intents and purposes, the character must act as normal, as if they had resurrected successfully.

How It Works:

- When a character resurrects and pulls from the bag of chance, if they pull the “Death Stone” and are consequently now permanently dead, they must inform the Healer’s Guildmaster, (or whoever is handling the resurrection logistically out of game), that they would like to use their Epic Death. The Guildmaster will then immediately inform the plot team of this. Both the Player and the Guildmaster must keep this information private and by no means are they allowed to inform other players of the use of the Epic Death.

- Once the plot team has been informed, the player and Guildmaster will now finish the resurrection process as if the character resurrected successfully. The player must act as they normally would had they resurrected successfully.

- From the moment the “Death Stone” is pulled, the character is now considered an NPC. Any attempt on the Player’s part to abuse or misuse this policy will result in a permanent death scenario of the plot teams choosing that will Not be Epic.

- The player will now continue to play the character as they normally would until the plot team provides an Epic scenario that will lead to the character’s permanent demise. The plot team will ensure that the player knows when this scenario will either take place, or what to look for. The player will not be informed of all details, to add to the epic flavor of the death. The Epic Death will most likely take place prior to the next logistics period, however, No Later than the end of the current event.

- The player must then “allow” or “sacrifice” the character to whatever Epic Death Scenario the plot team provides for them, based on the Player’s character history. The Player will not have say in what happens during the Epic Death. (Remember, this is a privilege!)

- Once the Epic Death Scenario is completed, the Player may be requested to go through the Resurrection process as normal, however the bag of chance will be stacked with 10 “Death Stones”. No matter the outcome of the Epic Death Scenario, the character will permanently die at the current event as per the original failed resurrection.


- If a player purchases an Epic Death for a character and that character permanently dies in a manner that the player is happy with, the player may choose to apply the Epic Death to another character, provided that character meets the same requirements stated above. There will be no additional charge to transfer the Epic Death.

- The purpose of this policy is to provide a more customized means of death for a character. To that end, the player must remember this is a privilege and therefore may be revoked should the above requirements not be met.

- Secrecy in regards to when an Epic Death is activated is of the utmost importance. We don’t want players activating their Epic Death and while waiting for the scenario to play out, give out their items and possessions, or telling that big bad NPC all about the towns plans, etc. In doing so, the character will be permanently killed in a far less than Epic manner and the Epic Death will be considered used.


- This policy may be removed from the Alliance NH Chapter at any time, should it be that any issues caused to the game or the Alliance Rules System outweighs the intention of the policy.

- This policy in NO WAY reverses the permanent death of a character. It is intended solely to enhance the permanent death of said character.

Paragon Packages-Deadlands now offers three different types of Paragon packages for players to purchase during our events. They are designed to add extra flavor to the game and to reward our players for donating their time and support to our chapter and immersing themselves into our stories. These packages will be adjusted and tweaked as needed over the season as we see how they function in the game and how they are received. Announcements will be made as adjustments occur.

The three different package options are racial, class, and plot/elemental based. Descriptions for each group of packages are given with their sections. Players may purchase racial and class based packages that align with their characters race and class. Elemental packages may only be purchased by players who have plot's permission to do so. These are designed to add spice to the plot that a player has become involved in. All players are welcome to access the elemental packages, but must do so through discussion with plot and through in-game actions before being able to use them.

If you have any questions regarding these packages, please send an email to and we will help you out.

When pre-logisting, there is a section on the form for Paragon packages. If you intend to purchase a package for the upcoming event, please indicate your intentions and which package you'd like to purchase in that section so logistics can plan accordingly.

Below are the goblin stamp costs and descriptions of the different packages available for purchase during our events.

Cost Structures

Racial Paragon:
Tier 1 = 150 goblin stamps
Tier 1 & 2 = 300 goblin stamps
Tier 1, 2 & 3 = 450 goblin stamps
Maximum purchase for a weekend is one Tier 3 package.

Martial Paragon
Each Package = 200 goblin stamps
Maximum purchase for a weekend is three packages (one of each, no duplicates)

Elemental Touched
(If interested in playing with these packages, please discuss your options with Plot. These packages can only be purchased with plot approval.)

Prime Power = 300 goblin stamps (can only be purchased once an event)
Major Power = 200 goblin stamps (can be purchased multiple times an event)
Minor Power = 100 goblin stamps (can be purchased multiple times an event)

The intention of the packages is that they are predominantly to be considered extensions of the purchaser's own skills, as opposed to ritual effects. In all cases the limited use abilities (and penalties where applicable) provided by the paragon packages reset at logistics just like build bought skills. Any paragon ability that offers a choice may be re-chosen at that time.

The only exception to this is the 6 high magic points provided by elf tier 3, as high magic points are awarded for a 5-day period. It should be noted that the 6 points are intended to last a two day event, and a longer or shorter event would incur a commensurately larger or smaller yield.

Paragon Package Descriptions:

Racial Paragon Paths
As a Paragon of one's race, a player may purchase ascending Tiers of paragon-hood, with the cost increasing by tier. A player who purchases a higher tier must also purchase the lower tier(s). (If you purchase a tier 2 package you must also purchase the tier 1 package; the list cost reflects both purchases.) Wylderkin who purchase higher than Tier 1 may select a single Tier 1 ability and a single Tier 2 ability, but do not gain the Tier 1 ability from their Tier 2 selection.

Players may only purchase the paragon package of their own race.

Tier 1: Resist Element x2, Resist Fear x2
Tier 2: Heal 15 Body when expending any resist skill
Tier 3: +15 Body; Resist Eldritch Force x2

Tier 1: Resist Command x2, Break Command x2
Tier 2: Break Command may be expended as a packet-delivered Arcane Awaken; Resist Command, Break Command
Tier 3: Resist Command may be expended as a packet-delivered 50 Elemental Body attack

Dark Elf
Tier 1: Resist Command x2, Resist Magic
Tier 2: +2 damage with Archery, Magic Dispel x2
Tier 3: Resist Command may be expended as Resist Gift; Resist Command

Tier 1: Resist Element x2, Resist Poison x2
Tier 2: -15 seconds to refit armor
Tier 3: +10 Body, +1 damage with Axes, +2 damage with Blunt

Tier 1: Resist Binding x2, Alchemical Antidote x2
Tier 2: Natural Armor equal to character's max worn value (class maximum + Wear Extra Armor)
Tier 3: Resist Binding can be expended as Evade, Alchemical Purify

Tier 1: Resist Command x2; two of choice: any spell level 1-4, delivered as Magic <Spell>
Tier 2: +2 damage with Archery; treats Command carrier as Normal carrier when struck
Tier 3: 6 High Magic Points; one of choice: any spell level 1-8, delivered as Magic <Spell>

Tier 1: Resist Curse x2, Magic Silence x2
Tier 2: +1 damage with Short Weapons; treats Curse carrier as Normal carrier when struck
Tier 3: Gypsy Curse may be expended as Arcane curse of choice, must give entire gypsy curse incant before throwing arcane curse packet

High Ogre
Tier 1: Resist Necromancy x2, Magic Earth Blade (self only)
Tier 2: Treats Necromancy carrier as Normal carrier when struck (not Chaos carrier)
Tier 3: +15 Body; Heal 15 Body when expending any resist skill

High Orc
Tier 1: Resist Fear x2, Slay
Tier 2: When hit with a damaging attack that would reduce the high orc below 1 body they may use a Resist Fear to call "Reduced" and instead drop instead to 1 body. If already at 1 body this ability cannot be used. Any additional effects such as a carrier will still resolve.
tier 3: +15 Body; Heal 15 Body when Slay resolves (successfully or not)

Tier 1: Resist Poison x2, Evade x2
Tier 2: Treats Alteration carrier as Normal carrier when struck
Tier 3: Any Antidote used by the hobling in any form and on any living target is treated as a Purify; Dodge

Tier 1: Pick effect group (except Other): Cloak x2, Bane x1
Tier 2: Pick effect group (except Other): Treats that carrier as Normal carrier when struck
Tier 3: +10 Body; choose one: treat all instances of one spell in memory as if magically augmented OR +1 with one-handed weapons and +2 with two-handed weapons

Mystic Wood Elf
Tier 1: Resist Command x2, Break Command x2
Tier 2: 200% money earned from Craftsman skills; Treats Command carrier as Normal carrier
Tier 3: Resist Command may be expended as Resist Greater Command; Break Command may be expended as Break Greater Command (not Amnesia)

Tier 1: Resist Poison x2; May use Scenting to identify potions, elixirs and poisons
Tier 2: +2 damage with Claws, Parry x2 (must use claw to activate these Parries)
Tier 3: May wield one longsword-length claw rep; Body Terminate (must use claw to activate this Terminate)

Stone Elf
Tier 1: Resist Command x2, Break Command x2
Tier 2: Resist Command may be expended as Resist Alteration
Tier 3: Break Command may be expended as packet-delivered Magic Dispel

Tier 1: Any Tier 1 ability that the wylderkin shares a racial with; may use Scenting to identify potions, elixirs and poisons
Tier 2: Any Tier 2 ability that the wylderkin shares a racial with
Tier 3: Pick effect group (except Other): damage halved from carriers in that effect group

Martial Paragon Paths
Each Martial Paragon package costs the same. A player may purchase up to each available package for their class (up to three), but may only purchase each package once. Scholars may only purchase packages that match their primary casting school or that are unaligned. Artisans may select any class's Paragon path to purchase packages from, but once selected, may only purchase packages from that class for that event.

Fighter Paragon
Defender: +10 Body, Parry x2, Riposte
Berserker: +1 Damage with All Weapons, Slay, Shatter x2
Duelist: Cloak Summoned Force x2, Disarm x2, Riposte

Rogue Paragon
Thorn: +1 Damage with All Weapons, Evade x2, Cloak Binding x2
Assassin: Terminate, Backstab, Stun Limb
Infiltrator: Dodge, Evade x2, Resist Magic

Celestial Scholar Paragon
Invoker: +2 damage with Wands, Bane Evocation, Magic Elemental Blast
Planeswalker: Resist Element, Magic Subjugate, Magic Banish, May expend wand charges for Cloak <Stone, Lightning, Ice, Flame> at 5 charges per Cloak
Willbender: Bane Command x2, Magic Sleep, Magic Shun, Magic Fear
Ensnarer: Bane Binding x2, Magic Slow x2, Magic Confine, Magic Prison

Earth Scholar Paragon
Healer: Healer's Resolve x3, Cloak <player's choice, not Other> x2, Receive the benefit of any Curing spell that the player casts upon and successfully resolves against another living target
Purifier: Magic Purify x2, Magic Destroy Undead, Magic Earth Blade, Cloak Necromancy
Hexer: Magic Destruction, Magic Weakness, Magic Paralysis, Any memorized Curse spell may be expended as Cloak Curse
Necromancer: Magic Desecrate x2, Magic Control Undead x2, Magic Corrupt, Elemental Cause Mortal Wounds

Templar Paragon
Hospitaller: +5 Body, Spellstrike Web, Magic Cure Critical Wounds
Spellspire: Parry, Cloak Evocation, Spell Parry
Cavalier: +1 Damage with All Weapons, Cloak Summoned Force, Magic Magic Blade

Scout Paragon
Swashbuckler: +1 Damage with all weapons, Riposte, Disarm x2
Skirmisher: +5 Body, Evade x2, Slay x2
Monk: Dodge, Parry, Stun Limb

Adept Paragon
Seer: Magic Cure Critical Wounds, Evade x2, Phase
Magehunter: Spellstrike Silence, Backstab, Cloak (player's choice, not Other)
Nightstalker: Magic Sleep, Stun Limb, Evade x2

Elemental Touched
These powers may only be purchased with the approval of Plot. To accept an Elemental Touch is to have your character fundamentally altered; he is marked as a champion of the element that has touched his spirit, and is blessed with the powers of that plane. We highly encourage any interested players to contact plot and interact with the different plot pieces that go out at our events. We like it when people play with our plot!

Elemental Touched may purchase a single use of Prime powers, and any number of Minor and Major powers. Powers with spoken incantations take the form of spells (which must be cast and treated as if they were memorized spells).

Foundation Elemental Powers


Elder Dragon's Breath (Flame Prime - Evocation) - The user channels the primal flame that exists within the heart of all dragons. The user must plant his feet and not move for the duration of the spell; if the user moves his feet, the spell ends. Upon activation, the user's armor is immediately breached, and any temporary armor points are removed. Additionally, the user becomes immune to Healing and to Protection/Enhancement, and any lingering effects from either or both of those schools are dispelled. The user may then cast an infinite number of Dragon's Breath spells by reciting the full incantation ("I call forth a Dragon's Breath"), and does not require or expend any Dragon's Breath spells in memory. At the completion of the spell, the user immediately drops to -1 Body and is dying, and his immunity to Healing and Protection/Enhancement is removed. Incantation - I call forth the ancient wyrm 1, 2, 3...

Purchasing this power enhances the character's connection to their elemental mark, conferring a Planar Asylum to the plane of Flame and causing them to take double damage from Ice.

Flame Blade (Major - Enhancement):
Grants the user an Elemental Blade for the duration of the event, may only be self-cast and must be used specifically to channel Flame.

Elemental Flame (Major):
Grants the user a burst pool of 100 Elemental Flame, similar to the high magic ability. Each additional purchase of this ability adds 100 to the burst pool. This burst pool does not add to wand damage.
Incantation: X Elemental Flame.

Ice Guard (Minor):
Grants the user 2 Guards against any Ice ability.
Defensive: Ice Guard.

Cloak Flame (Minor):
The user gains the power of 2 Cloaks against Flame, exactly as the ritual/high magic ability.
Defensive: Cloak.


Frozen Fortress (Prime - Eldritch Force): May only be purchased once.
The frozen winds of the Plane offer the user three layers of defense against the enemies of Ice and Water. Upon activation, all three effects occur simultaneously. First and most immediately, the user freezes himself in a solid block of ice. This power acts as a self-cast Prison, exactly as the spell. Secondly, the user immediately gains 50 temporary armor points, as crystals of ice freeze to his skin and act as a barrier against further damage. This armor is expended before any existing armor, and cannot be replenished in any way. Lastly, the user gains a burst pool of 100 Elemental Ice, exactly like the high magic ability. This burst pool does not add to wand damage, and does not stack with any existing burst pools including others gained from Ice-Touched abilities. Incantation - Elemental Prison.

Purchasing this power enhances the character's connection to their elemental mark, conferring a Planar Asylum to the plane of Ice and causing them to take double damage from Flame.

Ice Blade (Major - Enhancement):
Grants the user an Elemental Blade for the duration of the event, may only be self-cast and must be used specifically to channel ice.

Elemental Ice (Major):
Grants the user a burst pool of 100 Elemental Ice, similar to the high magic ability. Each additional purchase of this ability adds 100 to the burst pool. This pool does not add to wand damage.
Incantation: X Elemental Ice.

Flame Guard (Minor):
Grants the user 2 Guards against any Flame ability.
Defensive: Flame Guard.

Cloak Ice (Minor):
The user gains the power of 2 Cloaks against Ice, exactly as the ritual/high magic ability.
Defensive: Cloak.


Blinding Thunderstorm (Prime - Binding/Curse/Summoned Force/Evocation): May only be purchased once.
The user calls forth a hurricane-force storm, and acts as the dispenser of the storm's fury. The user must plant his feet and not move or take another action for the duration of the spell; if the user moves his feet, the spell ends. Until the spell ends by the caster moving (as a Magic Storm spell), the user may cast an unlimited number of the following spells by reciting their full incantation ("With mystic force I repel you", for example): Repel, Destruction, Disarm, Lightning Bolt.
Incantation: 3 count: "I summon a thunderstorm 1..."

Purchasing this power enhances the character's connection to their elemental mark, conferring a Planar Asylum to the plane of Air and causing them to take double damage from Stone.

Lightning Blade (Major - Enhancement):
Grants the user an Elemental Blade for the duration of the event, may only be self-cast and must be used specifically to channel lightning.

Elemental Lightning (Major):
Grants the user a burst pool of 100 Elemental Lightning, similar to the high magic ability. Each additional purchase of this ability adds 100 to the burst pool. This pool does not add to wand damage.
Incantation: X Elemental Lightning.

Stone Guard (Minor):
Grants the user 2 Guards against any Stone ability.
Defensive: Stone Guard.

Cloak Lightning (Minor):
The user gains the power of 2 Cloaks against Lightning, exactly as the ritual/high magic ability.
Defensive: Cloak.


Diamond Body (Prime - Enhancement): May only be purchased once.
The user is immediately granted 20 temporary Body points and 30 temporary Armor points. These temporary points may not be restored by any means, but do stack upon existing Body and Armor. Additionally, the user gains the power of a Protection Aura 6 until the end of the encounter.
Incantation: 3 count: "My body becomes diamond 1..."

Purchasing this power enhances the character's connection to their elemental mark, conferring a Planar Asylum to the plane of Stone and causing them to take double damage from Lightning.

Stone Blade (Major - Enhancement):
Grants the user an Elemental Blade for the duration of the event, may only be self-cast and must be used specifically to channel Stone.

Elemental Stone (Major):
Grants the user a burst pool of 100 Elemental Stone, similar to the high magic ability. Each additional purchase of this ability adds 100 to the burst pool. This pool does not add to wand damage.
Incantation: X Elemental Stone.

Lightning Guard (Minor):
Grants the user 2 Guards against any Lightning ability.
Defensive: Lightning Guard.

Cloak Stone (Minor):
The user gains the power of 2 Cloaks against Stone, exactly as the ritual/high magic ability.
Defensive: Cloak.

Magisterium Elemental Powers


Seed of Life (Prime - Gift): May only be purchased once.
The user may grant a Rebirth effect to any character (PC or NPC), but not themselves. This Rebirth functions on the spell's recipient exactly as the high magic ability, but does not require or expend a memorized Life spell on the part of either the caster or the recipient. To activate this ability, the user must spend at least thirty seconds roleplaying an appropriate scene with the recipient, after which the effect of the ability must be explained. During the scene, the user must say the phrase "I plant within you the seed of life."
Incantation (Recipient): Activate Rebirth.

Purchasing this power enhances the character's connection to their elemental mark, conferring a Planar Asylum to the plane of Life and causing them to have a death count of 150 seconds (half of the standard 300).

Heart's Blood (Major - Gift):
Grants the user the power to channel their own life energy into another living creature. The caster may elect to suffer up to and including his entire current Body Point total in Elemental Body damage as if touch cast and accepted. For every point of damage suffered, the user may then immediately touch-cast a healing spell equal to three times the amount of damage suffered by the user. This healing ability must be immediately expended in full, and may neither be saved for later use nor split among multiple targets. The caster may not use this spell to heal themselves. Example: The caster elects to suffer 15 Elemental Body damage, and may then touch-cast 45 Body healed.
Incantation: Heal X Body.

Elemental Body (Major):
Grants the user a burst pool of 100 Elemental Body, similar to the high magic ability. Each additional purchase of this ability adds 100 to the burst pool. This pool does not add to wand damage.
Incantation: X Elemental Body.

Necromancy Guard (Minor):
Grants the user 2 Guards against any Necromancy ability.
Defensive: Necromancy Guard.

Cloak Gift (Minor):
The user gains the power of 2 Cloaks against Gift, exactly as the ritual/high magic ability.
Defensive: Cloak.


Oblivion (Prime - Gift): May only be purchased once.
Grants the user the power to cast a limited "Death Storm." The user must plant his feet and not move for the duration of the spell; if the user moves his feet, the spell ends. The user may then cast up to five Death spells by reciting the spell's full incantation ("I grant you the gift of Death") and does not require or expend any Life/Death spells in memory. Once the user has cast five Death spells or if he ends the spell early by moving, he suffers the effect of a Death spell as if touch cast and accepted.
Incantation: 3 count: "I call forth oblivion 1..."

Purchasing this power enhances the character's connection to their elemental mark, conferring a Planar Asylum to the plane of Death and causing them to need two Life spells to recover from being dead. Rebirth counts as one life spell.

Consume Pain (Major - Enhancement):
The user may augment his next attack by meditating on his own pain. When this spell is cast, he may add the difference between his current and maximum Body Points to his weapon swings or wand charges, until an attack successfully resolves and causes damage (compare to resolving via defensive ability).
Incantation: 3 Count: "I consume my pain 1..."

Elemental Body (Major): Grants the user a burst pool of 100 Elemental Body, similar to the high magic ability. Each additional purchase of this ability adds 100 to the burst pool. This pool does not add to wand damage.
Incantation: X Elemental Body.

Necromancy Guard (Minor): Grants the user 2 Guards against any Necromancy ability.
Defensive: Necromancy Guard.

Cloak Gift (Minor):
The user gains the power of 2 Cloaks against Gift, exactly as the ritual/high magic ability.
Defensive: Cloak.


Perfect Form (Prime - Healing): May only be purchased once.
The user may restore himself or any other character (PC or NPC) to perfect wholeness, restoring their Body Points to maximum, refitting their armor completely (including ritual or high magic armor), releasing them from any binding or eldrich force effects, and purifying them as if a Purify spell were touch cast and accepted. To activate this ability on another character, the user must spend at least thirty seconds roleplaying an appropriate scene with the recipient, after which the effect of the ability must be explained. During the scene, the user must say the phrase "I restore your perfect form." To activate this ability on oneself, the user must meditate for 30 seconds and may take no other actions.
Incantation: none.

Purchasing this power enhances the character's connection to their elemental mark, conferring a Planar Asylum to the plane of Order and causing them to take double damage from Necromancy.

Ward of the Earth (Major - Healing):
The user reduces all damage taken from any necromancy source or from any undead by half until the end of the encounter. This includes any Cause Wounds spell, any carrier falling under the Necromancy effect group, any Chaos attack, or any damaging spell, weapon swing or attack used by a creature of the Undead type, but does NOT protect the user from necromantic debilitations such as Drain.
Incantation: 3 count: "I call upon the ward of the earth 1..."

Earth Blade (Major - Healing):
Grants the user an Earth Blade for the duration of the event.

Chaos Guard (Minor):
Grants the user 2 Guards against any Chaos ability.
Defensive: Chaos Guard.

Cloak Necromancy (Minor):
The user gains the power of 2 Cloaks against Necromancy, exactly as the ritual/high magic ability.
Defensive: Cloak.


Thorny Doom (Prime - Necromancy/Curse): May only be purchased once.
The user wracks his victims with terrible misery and agony from beneath the crust of the earth. The user must plant his feet and not move or take another action for the duration of the spell; if the user moves his feet, the spell ends. Until the spell ends by the caster moving (as a Magic Storm spell), the user may cast an unlimited number of the following spells by reciting their full incantation ("I curse you with weakness", for example): Disease, Weakness, Destruction, Cause Critical Wounds.
Incantation: 3 count: "I call forth a thorny doom 1..."

Purchasing this power enhances the character's connection to their elemental mark, conferring a Planar Asylum to the plane of Chaos and causing them to take half healing from Healing.

Chaos Blade (Major - Necromancy):
Grants the user a Chaos Blade for the duration of the event.

Elemental Chaos (Major):
Grants the user a burst pool of 100 Elemental Chaos, similar to the high magic ability. Each additional purchase of this ability adds 100 to the burst pool. This pool does not add to wand damage.
Incantation: X Elemental Chaos.

Healing Guard (Minor):
Grants the user 2 Guards against any Healing ability.
Defensive: Healing Guard.

Bane Necromancy (Minor):
The user gains the power of 2 Banes against Necromancy, exactly as the ritual/high magic ability.
Defensive: Bane.

Severed Elemental (Voidslave)

Void's Contract (Prime - Gift): May only be purchased once.
The user yields his spirit to Void, in the process becoming a terrible creature of immense destructive power under the control of the Plot Team. In exchange for the tremendous gift of power, the user agrees to suffer the effects of a Shatter Spirit ritual at the discretion of Plot. WARNING: This effect is NOT a "plot death." A player who wishes to use this ability should contact Plot and Logistics before the event begins to receive the proper card and costuming.
Incantation: 3 count: "I offer my spirit to Void 1..."

Deception of Chithiss (Major - Enhancement):
Grants the user one of any of the above Major elemental abilities. By activating this power, the user appears to be an Element-Touched of whichever element's ability he selects.
Incantation: 3 count: "I cloak myself in (element) 1..."

Elemental Severing (Major - Elemental):
The user cuts his inherent connection to the planes, causing magic to warp wildly both within him and without. The user of this ability becomes a Severed Elemental until the end of an encounter, stacking his current PC build on top of a Severed Elemental monster card. A player who wishes to use this ability should contact Plot and Logistics before the event begins to receive the proper card and costuming.
Incantation: 3 count: "I sever my connection to the elements 1..."

Spell Guard: Grants the user 2 Guards against any Spell or Magic ability.
Defensive: Magic Guard.

Cloak Eldritch Force (Minor):
The user gains the power of 2 Cloaks against Eldritch Force, exactly as the ritual/high magic ability.
Defensive: Cloak.