Character Birthdays

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Slice: Early Spring (mid Feb) and she was born 22 years ago, but is actually 24 due to horrible planar leap back in Astoria.

Hey...I never realized Slice and Kerjals birthdays were so close.
Slice: Early Spring (mid Feb) and she was born 22 years ago, but is actually 24 due to horrible planar leap back in Astoria

Oh, well if we're counting wierd planar experiences in Astoria, I guess Solomon is technically 3,058.

Don't ask *shiver*

PC: Kitty, Fox Scavenger
Age: 6
Birthday: Maggizo (May) 5

PC: Neume Falanen, Ocean Elf (NOT blue)
Age: 161
Birthday: Gennaio (January) 18

NPC: Starlyn, Hobling
Age: 23
Birthday: Febbraio (February) 14

NPC: Marchessa Rosa Di Olivia
Age: 30
Birthday: Giugnio (June) 11
You know, that's a good point. Are the names of the months used for Gianerian calendars ever going to be posted anywhere?

PC: Gregor
Birthdate: FOIG. I think only Yasmay knows, and she owes me two cakes already, so why set the poor guy up for more disappointment?

PC: Eddard
Birthdate: Calendar used at the time of his birth has since been retired.
Age: 57

PC: Whisper
Birthdate: On a Tuesday. In a rain. Of blood.
Age: Middle-aged.

NPC: Captain Arthur "Pius" Vius
Birthdate: Giugnio 12, 14:23, local reckoning, as documented by the Anagraph of Chiesanti, and as reported using Forms 48G, 29X, and 32T61R (and noted in addendums 1q and 2r). Healers noted the difficulty with his birth due to the problems of passing a newborne wearing steel-toed boots.
Age: 32.4054794521 years, .4054794522, .4054794523.....

NPC: Mnengu Lah
Birthdate: With the sorrowful tears of a soul in agony, he is borne anew.

NPC: Sven the Kobold aka Stu
Birthdate: Yesterday, or maybe the day before that.
Age: I don't know. Maybe it was 5, but it could be 76, because, I mean, I really feel like I could be that old. I outlived everyone else in my tribe, so I must be like an ancient kobold ninja assassion, except, you know, there was that one time that this fox guy could really knockerouter peoples great, but he never got around to teaching me, do you know where I could find him?
You know, you could just message me the actual information. Even if your character doesn't know the answer, the player should and that is what plot needs to know. Thanks.
Wow...I have asked Gregors age sevrel times but he has never given a strait answer....hmmm :glum:
Jennifer said:
You know, you could just message me the actual information. Even if your character doesn't know the answer, the player should and that is what plot needs to know. Thanks.

Gotcha. I thought this was just a "share something about your character" entertainment kind of thread. My bad. I'd rather opt out of any "plot fun" surrounding any character history, even something as innocuous as their birthdates.

Aeris said:
Wow...I have asked Gregors age sevrel times but he has never given a strait answer....

He's given you a very straight answer each an every time! BAH! Maligned!!! Color me mistreated!!! :D
PC: Midge
Birthday: August 20
Age: 26

PC: Ellie Al'Basteua a.ka. L.E. a.k.a. Left Ear
Birthday: Unknown
Age: aprox. 6 years

I hope that's enough info!

PC: Fiyana L'alto Nyonos
Birthday: May 1
Age: 36
D.O.B: March 21
Age: 35