Character Dossier, Completely optional.

Brandy Smith-Watrous

New Hampshire Staff
As everyone is starting to figure out I am very nosy and proactive in regards to player backgrounds, histories.... anything I can get my hands on. To the point I don't mind receiving pages of info. I would like to offer a character info sheet if anyone is interested in filling it out and sending it to, all you have to do is copy and paste it from here and fill in as much as you like. The information will go into your little file I have in my character drive. I will not share it unless you ask me too.

Cinderfel Character Dossier

Characters Name:
Place of Birth/Home Village:
Home Chapter:

Mother’s Name:
Father’s Name:
Parent’s Occupations:


Married: Y/N

Personal Habits/addictions:
Sleep Habits:
Special Talents:
Earliest Memory:
Happiest Memory:
Saddest Memory:

Best Friend:
Whom do they dislike the most:
Biggest Influence:

What do they value/prioritize most:
Biggest Fear:
Greatest Strength:
Greatest Flaw:
Biggest Regret:
Biggest Secret: (Also who knows)
Short Term Goals:
Long Term Goals:
Favorite Food/Drink:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Hangouts:
Favorite Motto/Quote:
Favorite Possession:
THIS IS AWESOME, I LOVE IT, THANK YOU!! Would you like one for every potential chatacter I may play at Cinderfel in coming years? (I have 3 PCs I can foresee playing!)

I'll also happily attach to the same email my own files of character histories and notes, if you want! Would that be welcomed? But be careful what you ask for, and don't say I didn't warn you! Hehehe. I, uh, really like details.
Yes! Certainly send along all details for all three! I will put them in your character files and I love reading. Just let me know from which places your character has links and which ones are active. I don't want to tread on an active plotline for you. But I get very into pc story.