Would anyone be interested in going to the Chicago Event in June, not only would it be awesome but its also my BIRTHDAY! I've also been tasked to convince everyone to go down.
just found out birthday plans fell through. would love to NPC chicago again. it was a lot of fun... think it would be a good break from PCing as well. anyone who wouldn't mind me carpooling with... let me know. -dawson
At this point I know that Sarah, Me, and Paige will be riding down together. I am uncertain whether or not Brent will be going with Adam separately, although that it quite possible. I bet that if we had space for a 4th person we might be able to fit you into Paige's car Adam, I would check with Paige and Brent though.
No need to post a list or anything, just talk to folks you know, I'm sure you will be able to find a ride.
If your going to make it to NPC let Rob know as soon as possible so we can prepare a special birthday card so you can give Andrew his special Birthday Rez.
Seriously, let Rob know if you will be NPCing so we can plan out as best as possible. Also if your going to PC, resend your character histories or a short paragraph about some things you'd love to see so we can make this fun for everyone. We have a big RP event planned again with death, sacrifice, heroics, monsters, and epic battles so we look forward to seeing all of you again.
Happy early birthday to Andrew and Dawson! - and Dawson you are old j/k
I planned for a while to give a shot at NPCing and going down to the Chicago event - it depends if I get this job I applied for (and keep searching for jobs as I am a recent college graduate - and not even joking this is the WORSE year for a college graduate)...anywho no one really cares about all that lol
I will reply later with an update