FAIL Chicago Rules Proposal: Change Alchemy and Spell Book Goblin Stamp Prices

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Jack Y.

Assistant General Manager
Proposed by Chicago 2/20/24
Seconded by Wisconsin 2/21/24

Proposal: Change Goblin Stamp prices of Spellbooks and Recipe books

Purpose: To adjust prices to better fit with the changes made by 2.1
The current gobbie prices for spell and recipe books are a holdover from the previous crafting system and no longer make sense in context with 2.1 costs.

The gobbie cost of adventuring equipment is CM x 5. The total CM cost for a Celestial spellbook is 21 CM, and 22 CM for Earth. Multiplied as above, that would be 105 and 110 respectively. We feel the gap between actual cost and gobbie cost is too great. Lowering the cost to 200 would be more in line with 2.1 costs, while still being slightly more than CM cost to encourage going to in-game crafters to fill spellbooks.

Summary: Spellbooks lowered to 200 gobbies, Recipe book to 100 gobbies

Full text changes: Original Text from ARB pg 12:

“Full Spell Books may be purchased for 500 Goblin stamps each and full Alchemy Books may be purchased for 250 Goblin stamps. Any spells or recipes that are deemed illegal in game in the chapter may be excluded.”

Proposed change:

“Full Spell Books may be purchased for 200 Goblin stamps each and full Alchemy Books may be purchased for 100 Goblin stamps. Any spells or recipes that are deemed illegal in game in the chapter may be excluded.”

Vote: Chicago Rules Proposal: Change Alchemy and Spell Book Goblin Stamp Prices [FAIL]
The following chapters voted for this policy: California-Arizona, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, NEPA, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Virginia

Synopsis of Conversations:

Concerns were raised regarding the potential of players with large caches of Goblin Stamps being further able to purchase a large quantity of spellbooks and the interactions with recycling in the 2.1 crafting system. Clarification was sought that spellbooks are subject to recycling, as well as conversation continuing regarding alternatives that will be raised for discussion and proposal to replace this vote.
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