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Isawda cleared his thoughts as his body relaxed and his mind stilled. It seemed that another cross roads loomed ahead. To which of his oaths did Isawda owe the greater allegiance?

As he sat in the warm sun and the power of the circle kept other intrusions at bay, he searched for the answer he must be prepared to endure. This would not be the first time that a defender of the Breach had called on the power of darkness, for what truly seems the greater good. Both Garridan and Frederick and trod similar ground in the past. Now Jur'ah had not only appeared to call on Chaos in visions of the past, but may have cast it in defense of the Breach when he stood with the defenders against the giant worms. If that was true, then the Oath of the Earthcircle called on Isawda to strike him down, or give his own life in the attempt. Either way the defense of the Breach would then be the less for it. Against that stood his acceptance of the Ironroot band that had demands of it own, and his pledge to continue Ithawda's stand in defense of the Breach.

Was his greater duty to defend the Breach, or remain within the Earthcircle? Long minutes passed quietly, and with the gathering of shadows the day faded and he had his answer. His eyes opened with a clarity that mirrored his decision. He was prepared.
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