Chomping at the bit...


Good day, everyone.

I'm a fellow roleplayer from the desolate wastelands of Southern New Jersey, and my eagerness to get involved with Alliance is growing by the week. I've already purchased both 2005 books and am working towards acquainting myself with the system and the feel. I'm no stranger to LARPing, and the local one (which seems quite dinky next to Alliance) is bleeding out and will be at -10 very soon. My girlfriend and I left it to die long ago, and Alliance seems like such a boon right now. So for the time being, I'm itching to dive in and it doesn't help that I can access both the main page and the message boards from work ^_^.

So my questions for all you good people are as follows. What else can I do? Is there a newsletter I've missed somewhere? Is there a "work day" or anything I can sign up for before gaming resumes? WHEN does gaming resume?

My gratitude for any that can put me on the right track!

Welcome Steve!

The bad news is that stuff slows down for the winter because we don't have heated sites (at least here on the east coast).

But here's some the good news:

1. A new Rule Book should be out by early spring

2. I just updated the calendar on the web page so you can start scheduling your work around our events for 2009

3. You can read old newsletters from the Ashbury campaign on the web page

4. If you have any questions about the game at all, you can post them here in the newbies section!

Look forward to seeing you next season!

Welcome! As Mike said above, things definitely slow down during the cold months, but get ready for the opener in April, 2009!

I've always found that the "off-season" gives me time to improve my costume, brush up on the rules, and generally re-charge the LARPing batteries. I sometimes feel that if we had an event every single month of the year, the "itch" to play would decrease.

Also, feel free to invite people from your other LARP to try us out. We're not too weird....

....Okay, maybe some of us are, but we're harmless!


--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
I know you won't know what I am talking about, but you just made me very nostalgic for the old module days. Thank you for the nostalgia.

You could always head out to Ohio on Jan. 9th. It may be a long drive but some of us NY / NJ people are crazy enough to do it. But I strongly recommend what Mike said about reading old newsletters. I really enjoy doing that sometimes. At the same time it can give you ideas for your character history and stuff like that.
Hi Steve!

The others have already given some good advice - reading the newsletters and player's guide will give you some good background information on HQ's backstory and make things flow a lot better your first time out, especially if you decide to PC your first game.

Our first event is scheduled for April, and I'm sure there will be a work day not too long before that to spruce up the site after being dormant for the winter. Keep visiting these forums for info about that. Work days are a great chance to meet people OOG, learn about the game and get that warm fuzzy feeling about helping improve our game. If you haven't already, you can also look at the Faire Play site : to see what it looks like and if there are any updates (though again, work generally slows in the cold months.)

Also just keep surfing the forums here (particularly HQ, NJ, CT and NH since they're closest to you) for sparring days, props days and things of the sort. They're not on a regular schedule but do pop up from time to time and are more good chances to get into the swing of things. Props days for HQ take place at The Adventurer's Guild, our Head of Props' gaming store

Any other questions feel free to ask! We're obviously not shy ;)


I know how you feel about waiting for the new season.

I too go through Alliance Withdrawl Syndrome during the winter.

I spend the winter months checking my costume and weapons, updating my characters' skills, and refreshing my knowledge on the rules and history of Ashbury (where the HQ events are mainly set).
Thanks for the input and the warm welcome, everyone. I've got a few questions, but I'll post them in the newbie section. In the meantime...

Mike ~ Thanks for the quick response. I'll see you in April.

Ivan ~ If we weren't all a little odd, the game wouldn't be nearly as spontaneous or fun! I say: Bring on the weird!

MikeS ~ You're welcome. I'll try to keep up the good work?

James ~ I'm not sure I'm that hardcore yet, but the offer is appreciated.

Michelle ~ Faire Play looks fantastic, thanks for the link.

Kitsune ~ Makes sense. I'm thinking about starting a bard PC, so I'll start reading the histories and newsletters like its my job. See you in the spring.
Sup, welcome,

I'm Bill, and I make this recomendation to everyone. Come NPC!! Its free (except for membership) you get the same amound of XP for your character and it is hands down the best way to learn the rules and meet the people. You sound like your not new to this stuff so I won't bore you down with "what it meens to NPC" but I asure you if you come NPC you won't regret it when it come time to buy skills for your character. I am also biased cuz I run monster desk in CT. So come NPC CT, HQ, NJ and NH (there are alwys people going car pooling is almost always possible).
Caldaria Rules Marshal
Caldaria Staff