Coffee with Franz

Greetings all,

I hear there are a few new faces wandering around Gavaria and I unfortunately was busy with things at home and unable to assist in the most recent struggles. However, I have returned! I will be hosting 'Coffee with Franz' Saturday morning (I'd like to start at 8am) in and around my celestial circle. Generally, the intent of this gathering is to provide a brief overview of the goings on within the various duchies across Gavaria and allow for individuals to recruit others and offer help for specific needs and support. Due to recent significant events I'd also like to add time at the end to discuss the Watcher and Old Magic situation.

Thank you for your time,


(For those that haven't met me yet, I'm the dwarf in the Auburn beard)
8am!? That's like ~4 hours after I go to sleep! If you do coffee with franz at 8am, I'm doing Intoxicate with Vaelin at 2am ;)
As my old Master Blacksmith used to say "Porque no los dos?"
This coming market Coffee with Franz will begin promptly at 8 AM as I'd like to have a meeting with any self-defined celestialists who plan to visit Gavaria with some regularity at 9AM to discuss the organization of a Celestial Society and a 10 AM trip to the Etheric Crossroads (open to interested individuals outside the Society as well).