Coming Back to Town


Hey folks,

Whats happening lately? Durls been busy seeing new places and things buts he's coming back to Wayside again so if you gots things you needs a hand on let him know so he ken make sures to follow up with ya.

Also if anyone has an extra armor thing, a real heavy suit, maybe enough to stop 35 or even 36 dagger blows that would be good, I haven't been able to find a good suit since we visited them spiders earlier.

- Durl
I have a 30 suit that you can have, I do not have anything heavier. If you need anything else, just let me know. I look forward to seeing you again soon. :D
Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow
Durl! Good to hear that I may see you again soon, its been to long. I would be able to provide you with as heavy a suit of armor as you could wish as well as any weapons when I come to wayside for the next gather. :) If you want to dream to me privately precisely what you need I'll be sure to have them there when you arrive.

May the stars shine on your path,
-Mage Eldarion Avari
Wunderbar! Has been too long since I have made dhe acquaintance of monseiur Avari. I suppose I could find my way back to dhe old burg to see him again. ;)

Fortune and Love,
