Coming to Visit - Taking orders


So um, I thought I'd come out to visit again, I wouldn't want my workshops to get dusty. Anyway I was hoping that I could see some of you again, if you aren't to busy and thought I'd see if anyone needed me to make anything on my way into town.

I'll list what I can make and try to keep everyone up to date.

Potion Making - Making a whole lot of purifies, 10 of them a day

Alchemy - I've started working on this again but I can still only make 4 Enslavement antidotes a day, plus a bit extra like 12 cure light elixirs or a gas or two.

Blacksmithing - I can make just about anything you want, usually I end up making 800 arrows or something and that does get boring eventually, maybe I'll make bolts instead...

Scrollmaking - I'm not very good at this, but I could make like 10 flame bolts, or 8 spell shields or something like that...

anyway, looking forward to seeing folks again in a couple weeks...

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I thing purify potions are going to be a big hit. i think everyone dumped every last one and we may need to do it again.
how is my favorite Kin doing.
If you wanted all 20? dat would be 16 gold.


I would hope that you knew someone better then me, I can't make it out very often after all, but I guess I'm doing okay, tired a lot because I've been running around so much lately.

Da price of 16 gold would be for 20 purify potions, 10 per day.

So, last call because I kinda need to dig up supplies, does anyone want any blacksmithing, or scrolls?

Hello Jehyu!

I've just learned how to read scrolls, so I might be interested in buying a few. Could I buy some magic armor scrolls? I think 10 would do for now. If I could also buy 5 Light Scrolls and 5 Ice Bolts, that'd be fantastic. If you don't have anybody interested in buying scrolls from you the second day, I might be interested in buying more bolts as well, so that I can heal golems. Let me know how much everything would cost!

Safe Travels,
I think I can do that, I can do all of that at once the first day, but that'll take up all my time. Magic armors cost 2 silvers, lights are a silver and ice bolts are 3 silvers, so for all of that it's 4 golds.
